Thank you, Mac, these are great!

Kathleen F. Lamantia, MLIS
Technical Services Librarian
Stark County District Library
715 Market Avenue North
Canton, OH 44702
Inspiring Ideas ∙ Enriching Lives ∙ Creating Community
The Stark County District Library is a winner of the National Medal for library 
service, is one of the best 100 libraries in the U.S. according to the HAPLR 
rating, and is a Library Journal 5 Star library. 


-----Original Message-----
From: J. McRee Elrod [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Plans for Existing Bib Records?

                                                        29 April 2011


If 040$e is "rda"

Export with "a" at the beginning of RSN.

Leave LDR/18 as "i"

Remove 040$erda

Remove  if present 100/110/600/610/700/710$e<relationship designator>,
"$4<relator code>, including $2 if following, leaving concluding period.
These terms are not at present being applied, ecept for illustrators of
children's books.

for example 700 1  $aJones, Jim,$d1930-1999,$eactor. 
becomes     700 1  $aJones, Jim,$d1930-1999.

Create a 245$h[compound gmd] composed of 338$a : 336$a, e.g., [online
resource : text].  Do not include $2.

If 008/35-37 is fre, 336-338 are French.  Substitute English [online
resource : text] in 245$h.

Do not create a 245$h for [volume : text].

If more than one $aterm in either 338 or 336, separate those terms
by comma-space.  Separate 338 and 336 by space-colon-space.

[SLC changes repeating 336-338 fields to repeating $a in one field.]

Shorten some 336 terms when exported as 245$h:

336 Content type

cartographic dataset                         }
cartographic image                           }  
cartographic moving image                    } [export as "cartographic"]
cartographic tactile image                   }
cartographic tactile three-dimensional form  } 
cartographic three-dimensional form          }
tactile image                                }
tactile music                                } [export "tactile"]
tactile notated movement                     }    
tactile text                                 }
 actile three-dimensional form               }

three-dimensional form   [export "form"]

three-dimensional moving image               }[export as "moving image"]
two-dimensional moving image                 } 


Export 250 "edition" as "ed."

In 260$a, using this list, abbreviate jurisdiction, whether in square
brackets or not.  NB: only abbreviate if not adjacent to $a, e.g.,
$aVictoria, British Columbia becomes "Victoria, B.C.", but $aMelbourne, 
Victoria becomes "Melbourne, Vic."

[SLC continues to supply missing jurisdictions, but spelled out.]

Alabama                       Ala.
Alaska                        Alaska
Alberta                       Alta.
Arizona                       Ariz.
Arkansas                      Ark.  
Australian Capital Territory  A.C.T.

Briitish Columbia             B.C.    

California                    Calif.
Colorado                      Colo.
Connecticut                   Conn.       
Delaware                      Del.
District of Columbia          D.C.
Distrito Federal              D.F.

England                       Eng.

Florida                       Fla.

Georgia                       Ga.
Hawaii                        Hawaii

Idaho                         Idaho
Illinois                      Ill.   
Indiana                       Ind.
Iowa                          Iowa   

Kansas                        Kan.
Kentucky                      Ky.

Louisiana                     La.

Maine                         Me.
Manitoba                      Man.   
Mayland                       Md.
Massachusett                  Mass.
Michigan                      Mich.
Minnesota                     Minn.
Mississippi                   Miss.
Missouri                      Mo.
Montana                       Mont.
Nebraska                      Neb.
Nevada                        Nev.
New Brunswick                 N.B.  
New Hampshire                 N.H.
New Jersey                    N.J.
New Mexico                    N.M.
New South Wales               N.S.W.
New York                      N.Y.
New Zealand                   N.Z.
Newfounland                   Nfld.
Newfoundland and Laborador    N.L. 
North Carolina                N.C.
North Dakota                  N.D.
Northern Territory            N.T.  
Northwest Territories         N.W.T.
Nova Scotia                   N.S.

Ohio                          Ohio
Oklahoma                      Okla.
Ontario                       Ont.
Oregon                        Or.
Pennsylvania                  Pa.
Prince Edward Island          P.E.I.
Puerto Rico                   P.R.

Quebec                        Que.
Queensland                    Qld. 

Rhode Island                  R.I.
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic  R.S.F.S.R.

Saskatchewan                 Sask.
South Australia              S. Aust.
South Carolina               S.C.
South Dakota                 S.D.

Tasmania                     Tas.
Tennessee                    Tenn.
Texas                        Tex.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics  U.S.S.R.
United Kingdom               U.K.
United States                U.S.
Utah                         Utah

Vermont                      Vt.
Victoria                     Vic.
Virgin Islands               V.I.
Virginia                     Va.     

Washington                   Wash.
West Virginia                W.Va.
Western Australia            W.A.
Wisconsin                    Wis.
Wyoming                      Wyo.

Yukon Territory              Yukon      

Exopirt other jurisdictions as given.


Export 300 "pages" as "p."
           "volume" and "volumes" as "v.
           "illustration" and "illustrations" as "ill."
           "color" and "colour" as "col."

336-338 Remove.


Remove $i
        $iContains (work)
       $iContains (expression) 


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