On Fri, 20 May 2011, James Weinheimer wrote:

I guess we have probably exhausted our respective points. I will only discuss one here:

Again, RDA's standard was made arbitrarily--unless somebody out there can point to some kind of research done that showed our patrons wanted only a single author, plus a translator, plus an illustrator only of childrens' books, although I have never heard anybody suggest this--and then dropped it all into the lap of the cataloger. Just a couple of years ago--even right now, that is considered to be *not good enough* and can only be considered a huge step backward from what it has been.

What will you do when massive numbers of records come in--all following the RDA standard--that only have a single author? Or do you really think this won't happen because catalogers are too "professional" to allow standards to fall? Why not fault the standard itself? Why even allow it to happen and then have to clean up afterwards?

I go back to John Myers comment earlier. We ALREADY have had a standard for 30+ years that says that all our users can look under is the first author/editor/illustrator/producer etc. when there are more than three entities responsible doing the same function. I have always considered that to be a massive disservice to users and a violation of longstanding cherished cataloging principles. Have patrons only wanted the first of four authors or editors in our current cataloging environment? Have faculty understood why they were left off of statements of responsibility and not provided with an access point simply because they came last in alphabetical order and that was the order decided on by them or the publisher of their book? I don't recall a lot of criticism of AACR2 for the decision to only give one name and one access point in this situation (yes, catalogers have always had workarounds, but we never bothered to change the standard in 30 years). Given what we've already been providing for large numbers of multi-creator resources, I really don't see RDA as being that different. Any number other than providing access points for ALL creators and contributors is really an arbitrary one that doesn't serve users very well and doesn't fulfill the objectives of the catalog that we've cherished for over a 100 years.

* Adam L. Schiff * * Principal Cataloger *
* University of Washington Libraries *
* Box 352900                         *
* Seattle, WA 98195-2900             *
* (206) 543-8409 * * (206) 685-8782 fax * * asch...@u.washington.edu * **************************************

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