I find some of the material nice and simple, with short summaries and 
descriptions, accompanied by lists.

Other parts appear muddled and confused.

Many attributes for a manifestation are shoved up to the expression level, such 
as title and extent. That leaves the bizarre 2.2.12 Extent of expression, which 
is for the extent as applied to "all manifestations of the expression", but 
when extent differs for manifestations, then 4.3.1 applies, which only 
describes variant titles for serials (?!?).

How a new entity, "title-manifestation" fits into all this unclear, as this 
gets into the question of whether a new entity, a new attribute, or a new 
relationship is the right tool to use from the entity-relationship modeling 
toolkit. That question is ongoing in RDA development, where, for example, Place 
and Date can be attributes of entities, or entities in their own right with 
their own cluster of attributes. If one doesn't proceed from an understanding 
of these commonly used E-R principles, then the result is not going to be 

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
> [mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of J. McRee Elrod
> Sent: November 10, 2011 3:10 PM
> Subject: [RDA-L] Cataloging Rules by Martha M. Yee
> http://myee.bol.ucla.edu/catrul&rdfIntro.htm
> At the suggestion of an SLC cataloguer, I've just revisited Martha
> Yee's Cataloguing rules.  I've long admired Ms Yee's position paper on
> OPAC display (available on the SLC website).  That admiration now
> extends to her rules.
> These rules achieve the objectives of RDA in terms of FRBR and WEMI.
> They have several major and minor advantages over RDA:
> 1) Valid principles are stated and followed.
> 2) The language is simple and comprehensible.
> 3) The relationship and media terms adhere more to natural language,
> are more comprehensible, and shorter for display, than those of RDA.
> 4) Rule provisions are practical, pragmatic, and agree with patron
> expectations, e.g., main entry under compiler of the works of a
> variety of authors.
> 5) The vital matter of display is well addressed.
> We could do far worse than to jettison RDA and adopt Yee's rules!
>    __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
>   {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
>   ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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