Kelley said:

>If you could pick any term or short phrase in the world to convey what this
>is to library users would you really pick kit?
What alternative would you suggest?

If it has various parts to be manipulated, no more understandable term
occurs to me.  I suspect "kit" conveys more meaning than "realia" to most.

To me, the root word "real" implies that something with that GMD must
be the actual object, be it a rock. a telephone, a shrunken head; not
a set of sample rocks with material for identification,  a toy
telephone, or a model with wig and pins.

What word would you substitute for "kit"?

As for multiple content terms replacing the need for a comprehensive
term in RDA, I don't think so.  Apart from the problems such a list
would create in display, and for patron comprehension, a single short
term is needed for the collective item being described and loaned,
both as carrier term and unit name, with parts detailed in a contents

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
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