18.09.2012 15:55, Jack Wu:
Thanks Mac, hope you're right about the rewrite. Somehow I wonder how
revision and rewrite are coordinated, or are they on different tracks
where they would endlessly chase each other. Jack

It is, as far as we got to know, just one person doing the rewrite.
Coordination shouldn't therefore be a big issue. Time, of course, is.
So much so that we - up until now - don't get to know anything about
the state of things. So far, the last that transpired was, in June,

"The Coordinating Committee has received and reviewed reworded Chapters
9, 10, and 11. The Committee is currently reviewing reworded Chapter 6
and expects to submit its review of that chapter in July.
The Coordinating Committee is pleased with the rewording in these
initial reworded chapters. Its comments on Chapter 9 have served for
the rewording of the other chapters that followed. After completing its
review of Chapter 6, the Committee will determine if it will be
necessary to review a fifth chapter before the Committee removes itself
from the rewording review process."
(from  http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/pdf/RDA_updates_20jun12.pdf )

It is fine to hear the Coordinating Committee was pleased with the
results. Might the text not therefore be fit for reviewing by
the community now? I mean by those who will be expected to use it in
their daily work.

And for September, as far 's I remember, a progress report from Zepheira is expected on the MARC replacement. There's time yet.


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