>I shall ask Mac Elrod about this.  He knows everything about everything.

It's Mark and Bernhard who come closer to knowing everything about
everything.  How they keep up on the most recent developments is

>Mac:  Is this true?

I'm not quite sure what "this" is.  Continuation of GMDs?

> No, I had no idea & I've been teaching that GMDs will go away with

Subfield 245$h[gmd] is not to be entered in RDA records on OCLC as I
understand it.

OCLC will not remove GMDs and replace them with 33X in legacy records
for a time (three years I seem to recall), but have said that they
will eventually do so.  For that period they will accept GMDs in
new AACR2 records.  OCLC allowing GMDs to remain in legacy records, and
to be in new AACR2 records, for a period of time, does not mean they
will accept them in RDA records.

Those who do not find icons sufficient (they usually don't show up in
hitlists for example), or are unable to map [338 : 336] to display at
end of title proper (including  hitlists), or can't program to insert
GMDs based on 338, will probably be faced with manual insertion of
GMDs locally.  Macros might speed that function.

Jean, it is unfortunate you are a prohetess not sufficiently honoured,
and that your excellent GMD study was ignored.

The GMD content/carrier dichotomy could have been solved by compound
GMDs, or qualified GMDs, using patron friendly and legacy record
related terms.  

Fields 338 and 336 (with truncation of some terms, e.g., "tactile",
"cartographic", "moving image") could be displayed as GMDs, but 337
should be suppressed from display.  Those media type terms add no new
information, and "computer" is misleading; it's "projected" not
"projector" as media type.  Apart from "computer", mediating devices
are not used as media types.  In addition, currently most e-books are
used on electronic devices other than those considered to be computers
by the public; JSC should change to the ISBD Area 0 "electronic".

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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