>For instance |h [videorecording : video cassette]

Prior to RDA, I suggested following the AACR2 pattern of [text (large
print)] with, for example, [videorecording (VHS)], [videorecording
(DVD)], if one wished a more exact GMD, as opposed to either
substituting the SMD, or making something up locally.  While rules may
need bending to meet local needs, record sharing calls for remaining
as true as possible to both the letter and spirit of standards.  Much
record sharing happens outsite bibliographic utilities, via Z30.50 for
example.  It also helps skill transfer among OPACs to have as much
consistency as possible, while still meeting local demands.

With RDA, I advocate displaying [338 : 336] either at head of other
date (as per ISBD Area 0), or at end of title propter (as per the
MRI), e.g., [moving image : videocassette], [moving image :

It is also possible to insert locally an AACR2 245$hgmd based on 338
carrier term.  See below.

The SMD aka unit name, I think, should be eact, in these cases VHS,
DVD, or Blu-ray, as opposed to redundantly repeating a term from 338.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

If 338 is:                              Insert as 245$h:

audio ...                               sound recording
computer ...                            electronic resource
online resource                         electronic resource
aperture card                           microform
micro ...                               microform
film <space> ...                        motion picture
filmstrip ...                           filmstrip
overhead transparency                   transparency
slide                                   slide
card                                    no GMD
[equipment]                             equipment
flipchart                               chart
[kit]                                   kit
object                                  realia
roll                                    no GMD
sheet                                   no GMD
volume                                  no GMD
video ...                               videorecording

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