You mean like Beethoven using Schiller's Ode to Joy?


> Bernadette asked: "And if a composer
sets a pre-existing poem to music,
> what
> relator term
should the poet get?  None of the creator list terms are
available, and 'writer of added lyrics' presumes that the music
> the
> text."
> No one has replied to this yet, so I'll try to tackle
> This is a 'Related Work'
> I could not find a
specific Related Work \ Derivative Work \ Relationship
Designator at J.2.2 <> , so I
> use either the most general "based on (work)" or
one step down "adaptation
> of (work)"; unless
"musical setting of (work)" could apply?

> In RDA minus MARC:
> Related
Work:   AAP (or link to record) for the Poem
Relationship Designator:  musical setting of (work)

> In RDA/MARC: add a Related Work added entry for the
>                 700 1# $i musical setting of
(work): $a Poet, John. $t
> Poem.

> Yes/No?
> Deborah
> -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

> Deborah Fritz
> TMQ, Inc.
>  <>
From: Resource Description and Access /
Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Bernadette Mary
> O'Reilly
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 3:59 PM
> Subject: [RDA-L]
Relators for contributors and consultants

> Hello,
> I want to
provide a 'model' record for training purposes for a resource
which is a dictionary of biography.  It has a consultant editor, 3
> and 15 contributors.  The latter presumably did most of
the writing and
> are
> between them responsible for most
of the intellectual/artistic content of
> the resource, but
because they are responsible for different bits the work
> is a
compilation, entered under title.
> 'editor of compilation' seems right for the 3 editors.  I suppose
that the
> consultant editor will have to be just 'editor', but
that doesn't seem
> good
> for someone who presumably is
offering guidance before and during the
> writing rather than
tidying it afterwards.  And what about the
> contributors?
> Is it legitimate to use 'author' for contributors to a work entered
> a
> title?  They are authors of their own bits,
but not creators with respect
> to
> the work as a whole,
and 'author' is in the creator list.  (I only plan to
> name one
contributor - the rest will be '[and fourteen others].')
> A similar case: a compilation of photographs
by many different people,
> each,
> naturally, responsible
for separate photos.  Could they be 'photographer'?
'illustrator' is not good, since the text is slight and subordinate to
> photos.
> And if a
composer sets a pre-existing poem to music, what relator term
should the poet get?  None of the creator list terms are available, and
> 'writer of added lyrics' presumes that the music predates the
> Suggestions or
clarifications would be very welcome.
> Thanks,
> Bernadette
> *******************
> Bernadette O'Reilly
> Catalogue Support Librarian
> 01865 2-77134
> Bodleian Libraries,
> Osney One Building
> Osney Mead
> Oxford OX2 0EW.

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