Dear colleagues:

I'm sending this message to both the OLAC and RDA listservs in hopes of getting 
a broad response.  In my cataloging of AV (specifically DVDs), I've been 
increasingly noticing that RDA-style relator terms (per RDA Appendix I) are 
appearing on both AACR2 and RDA bibliographic records.  My questions are two 
(and specifically geared to RDA experts out there, but others are welcome to 
chime in as well):

1)      Is it an acceptable practice to include these RDA relator terms on 
AACR2 bibliographic records?

2)      If so, what are people's opinions on retroactively converting $4 
relator codes to these terms in their institutions' OPACs (either selectively 
or universally)?

I know there was a discussion on the RDA list about punctuation and relator 
terms within the last several weeks, but I don't know if this topic was 
broached.  In any case, I do appreciate any insights people can provide.


Peter H. Lisius, M.A., M.L.S.
Music and Media Catalog Librarian
Assistant Professor
Kent State University Libraries
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, OH  44242-0001
(330) 672-6316<>

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