
We have begun loading the Phase 2 authority records and I am reviewing these 
changes. I got an 'ugly surprise' when I started seeing 510 fields with $w r 
Hierarchical superior. I understand that our current catalog is not 'the 
future', but our current catalog display of many of these references do not 
make authority control look useful.   I'll try a screen print of a simple 


We cannot display the  wording  from the $w r Hierarchical superior in our 
catalog and even if we could, there is only one piece in our catalog and the 
two references just waste time for our users.

 I see how this reference could be useful If this was a corporate body that was 
not entered subordinately.

I have tried to follow  RDA developments, but I do not remember discussion on 
this topic. I don't remember any discussion about this during the RDA/NACO 
bridge training.  Should our 'best practices' include  'do not  display, unless 
entered subordinately'?

Comments? Concerns from others?

Mary Charles Lasater

Vanderbilt University

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