It strikes me that the whole idea of including the date in the u.t. was to
alert the patron (remember him/her?) to the edition or "printing" if you
will, of the work desired.

Or is RDA forgetting about the goals of FRBR (i.e. updates of Cutter's

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Adger Williams <>wrote:

> I notice with the flood of Phase 2 authority records that there are a
> number of preferred access points (used to be uniform titles) of the form
> Works. Selections. English. date, where the date does not conform to the
> date in my catalog for the particular item (embodying a work).
> I have been wondering how to handle these.
> 1.
> 240  Works Selections English 1993
> 245  Antonio Gramsci : pre-prison writings
> 260  |c1994
> where the 240 matches the authority record
> or
> 2.
> 240  Works. Selections. English. 1994
> 245  Antonio Gramsci : pre-prison writings
> 260  |c1994
> where I have to create a new authority record (yuck) or edit the one sent
> from LC/NACO (yucker) or just leave the mismatch as it is (yuckest)
> I have seen enough dates in authority records that came from CIP or eCIP
> and are not accurate when compared to the piece in hand to have very little
> doubt where the root of the problem is.
> The long term solution is to change over to unchanging numeric identifiers
> with varying forms of display (as we all know), but before we reach
> Nirvana, what do we do?
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Adger Williams
> Colgate University Library
> 315-228-7310

Gene Fieg
Cataloger/Serials Librarian
Claremont School of Theology

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