Hello everyone,

I have a question about how to properly formulate a particular Bible
heading, that I don't think will be covered by the Phase 2 changes. I have
a record for an older book, and it has the following main entry, which is
now no longer valid under RDA:

130 0 _ Bible. $p N.T. $p Apocryphal books. $l Italian

There is also a 650 0 0 Apocryphal books (New Testament) $x Criticism,
interpretation, etc.

This is what I have found in RDA (I apologize for the profusion of cutting
and pasting):

*RDA Apocrypha*
*Record Apocrypha as a subdivision of the preferred title for the Bible for
the compilation known as the Apocrypha (1–2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of
Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, History of Susanna, Song
of the Three Children, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, 1–2

The work is not dealing with these books; therefore, this instruction does
not apply, but it tells me to look at the following instruction:
*For apocryphal books, see<http://access.rdatoolkit.org/document.php?id=rdachp6&target=rda6-5421#rda6-5421>

RDA says:
*An apocryphal book is one that is not included in the Catholic canon nor
in the Protestant Apocrypha. Choose as the preferred title for an
apocryphal book the title commonly found in sources in a language preferred
by the agency creating the data.*
 * *
* *
* *
*Book of Jubilees*
*Epistola Apostolorum*
*Gospel according to the Hebrews*
* *
* *
* *
*For compilations of apocryphal books, apply the instructions at<http://access.rdatoolkit.org/document.php?id=rdachp6&target=rda6-2556#rda6-2556>
.* Two or More Parts
 When identifying two or more unnumbered or non-consecutively numbered
parts of a work, identify the parts collectively. Record the conventional
collective title Selections as the preferred title for the parts. Apply
this instruction instead of or in addition to recording the preferred title
for each of the parts.

Preferred title for the parts of the work in a compilation comprising books
1 and 6 of Homer’s Iliad
Preferred title for the parts of the work in a compilation comprising four
episodes of the television program The Simpsons originally broadcast
between 1990 and 2001

But I am confused by the instructions at this point--and my library follows
the LC-PCC PS for instructions, which in this case tells me to:

 LC-PCC PS for<http://access.rdatoolkit.org/document.php?id=rdachp6&target=rda6-2596#rda6-2596>
LC practice for Alternative: Instead of recording the preferred title for
each of the parts, record the conventional collective title Selections as
the preferred title for the parts. If one or more parts is especially
important, also record the part title(s).

So what would be the appropriate heading for the 130 in this case? In the
authority file there are plenty of headings for individual New Testament
apocryphal books, but none for the books as a group. And the individual
books are established by the individual book name, and are not established
as parts of the Bible. For example, the following heading:

130 _0  Abgar letters

has the following 4xxs:
430 0 Bible. ǂp Apocryphal books. ǂp Abgar letters
430 0 Bible. ǂp N.T. ǂp Apocryphal books. ǂp Abgar letters ǂw nnaa

I am totally lost at this point. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

Ione Damasco

Ione T. Damasco
Cataloger Librarian
Associate Professor
Roesch Library
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-1360
(937) 229-4238

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