The instruction in that says, "For compilations of apocryphal books, apply the instructions at" is clearly a mistake, since, as Charles says, these apocryphal books are not considered to be parts of the Bible or any other larger work. A simple correction of this to "apply the instructions at" was included in a larger revision proposal prepared by the American Theological Library Association and presented at ALA's Midwinter Meeting in January 2012 (see page 4):

ATLA was asked to revise the larger proposal and work on that is not yet complete, but the proposal itself says this particular correction could be handled as a fast-track change; this discussion here may serve as a helpful reminder of that.

Robert Rendall

On 3/28/2013 3:40 PM, Charles Croissant wrote:

coincidentally, I have been struggling with the exact same question, and I followed the same path that you have followed. I would also be grateful to hear what others are doing.

My personal take on the situation:

As I read it, RDA allows 3 "collective" subdivisions of the Bible:
Bible. Old Testament
Bible. Apocrypha (limited to the list given in
Bible. New Testament

Since the other apocryphal books are considered extra-canonical, I think the RDA viewpoint is that it is not appropriate to provide some other collective subdivision for them following the title Bible.

That basically leaves us with no option for providing a collective title access point for a compilation of extra-canonical apocryphal books.

RDA's approach, I think, would be to treat the title on your resource as the preferred title for the compilation (in MARC terms, just a 245 with no 130), then provide added access points for the individual apocryphal books contained in the compilation. This is the approach I am following at the moment, until something better comes along or the instructions are modified.

I don't think the LC-PCC PS for was written with the needs of theological librarians in mind, and I think that in this special case there is justification for disregarding the PS. Instead, we could follow RDA's original instruction in and "record the preferred title for each of the parts" -- as an added access point, i.e. 730.

Of course, if it's a big compilation containing a long list of books, this may not be an attractive option.

We still have the subject heading Apocryphal books (New Testament) as an access point that would pull various compilations together, though the formulation of this heading may be open to question if we follow the logic above about extra-canonical books.

There may be a need here to propose a change to the instructions. I'd be interested in hearing from others who have lots of Bible-related headings to deal with.

Charles Croissant
Senior Catalog Librarian
Pius XII Memorial Library
Saint Louis University
St. Louis, MO 63108
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Ione Damasco < <>> wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    I have a question about how to properly formulate a particular
    Bible heading, that I don't think will be covered by the Phase 2
    changes. I have a record for an older book, and it has the
    following main entry, which is now no longer valid under RDA:

    130 0 _ Bible. $p N.T. $p Apocryphal books. $l Italian

    There is also a 650 0 0 Apocryphal books (New Testament) $x
    Criticism, interpretation, etc.

    This is what I have found in RDA (I apologize for the profusion of
    cutting and pasting):

    *RDA Apocrypha*
    *Record Apocrypha as a subdivision of the preferred title for the
    Bible for the compilation known as the Apocrypha (1–2 Esdras,
    Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus,
    Baruch, History of Susanna, Song of the Three Children, Bel and
    the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, 1–2 Maccabees).*

    The work is not dealing with these books; therefore, this
    instruction does not apply, but it tells me to look at the
    following instruction:
    *For apocryphal books, see

    RDA says:
    *An apocryphal book is one that is not included in the Catholic
    canon nor in the Protestant Apocrypha. Choose as the preferred
    title for an apocryphal book the title commonly found in sources
    in a language preferred by the agency creating the data.*
    *Book of Jubilees*
    *Epistola Apostolorum*
    *Gospel according to the Hebrews*
    *For compilations of apocryphal books, apply the instructions at
<>.* Twoor More Parts
    When identifying two or more unnumbered or non-consecutively
    numbered parts of a work, identify the parts collectively. Record
    the conventional collective title Selections as the preferred
    title for the parts. Apply this instruction instead of or in
    addition to recording the preferred title for each of the parts.
    Preferred title for the parts of the work in a compilation
    comprising books 1 and 6 of Homer’s Iliad
    Preferred title for the parts of the work in a compilation
    comprising four episodes of the television program The
    Simpsons originally broadcast between 1990 and 2001

    But I am confused by the instructions at this point--and my
    library follows the LC-PCC PS for instructions, which in this case
    tells me to:

    LC-PCC PS for
    LC practice for Alternative: Instead of recording the preferred
    title for each of the parts, record the conventional collective
    title Selections as the preferred title for the parts. If one or
    more parts is especially important, also record the part title(s).

    So what would be the appropriate heading for the 130 in this case?
    In the authority file there are plenty of headings for individual
    New Testament apocryphal books, but none for the books as a group.
    And the individual books are established by the individual book
    name, and are not established as parts of the Bible. For example,
    the following heading:

    130 _0  Abgar letters

    has the following 4xxs:
    430 0 Bible. ǂp Apocryphal books. ǂp Abgar letters
    430 0 Bible. ǂp N.T. ǂp Apocryphal books. ǂp Abgar letters ǂw nnaa

    I am totally lost at this point. Any and all help is greatly

    Ione Damasco

-- Ione T. Damasco
    Cataloger Librarian
    Associate Professor
    Roesch Library
    University of Dayton
    300 College Park
    Dayton, OH 45469-1360
    (937) 229-4238 <tel:%28937%29%20229-4238> <>

Robert Rendall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Original and Special Materials Cataloging, Columbia University Libraries
102 Butler Library, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027
tel.: 212 851 2449  fax: 212 854 5167

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