In this case, and despite the complexities it has raised, I do think statements 
in both languages should be recorded. Because, while the title is English, the 
book itself is bilingual (not German and English in parallel, but actually just 
some German and some English. It's mainly poetry and images. We can always rely 
on poets and artists to muck up our neat categorizations of the world, can't 


Benjamin Abrahamse
Cataloging Coordinator
Acquisitions, Metadata and Enterprise Systems
MIT Libraries

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] On Behalf Of Heidrun Wiesenmüller
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Parallel statements of responsibility

Quite, but that doesn't mean that you cannot record the other statements of 
responsibility as well - and Ben obviously wanted to. only gives guidance as to which of the statements should be chosen as 
the primary one. Other statements of responsibility can then be recorded as 
parallel statements of responsibility according to

I think the wording should be clearer in When you read "_record_ the 
statement in the language or script of the title proper", you might indeed be 
lead to believe that you can _only_ record this statement and have to discard 
the other ones. It would be better to have a similar wording as in 
"Title in more than one language or script": "If the source of information for 
the title proper bears a title in more than one language or script, _choose_ as 
the title proper the one in the language or script of the main written, spoken, 
or sung content of the resource."


On 01.04.2013 21:36, Arakawa, Steven wrote:
If you have a single title proper and statements of responsibility in multiple 
languages, I think applies: "If a statement of responsibility relating 
to title proper appears on the source of information in more than one language 
or script, record the statement in the language or script of the title proper. 
If this criterion does not apply, record the statement that appears first." The 
examples are helpful.

Steven Arakawa
Catalog Librarian for Training & Documentation
Catalog & Metada Services
Sterling Memorial Library. Yale University
P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240
(203) 432-8286<>

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Benjamin A Abrahamse
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Parallel statements of responsibility

No parallel title, just the s-o-r's.  And certainly the "mit" should not be 
capitalized (and isn't on the piece) that was my mistake.

I don't know if there's a character limit in OCLC or not. But there is a 
character limit to my brain, so I'm going to use the optional omission. :)


Benjamin Abrahamse
Cataloging Coordinator
Acquisitions, Metadata and Enterprise Systems
MIT Libraries

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] On Behalf Of Heidrun Wiesenmüller
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Parallel statements of responsibility

I'm afraid so, only I think it should start with "mit" instead of "Mit" ("mit" 
being a preposition which is not ordinarily capitalized).

What a lovely example - I'm thrilled ;-)

If you really were to transcribe all the 89 names (not once, but twice), I 
wonder whether there might be technical problems with the maximum field length 
for 245. Or is there no such limit in American library systems? I know that in 
Germany there are library systems which - at least at the moment - wouldn't be 
able to cope with statements this long.

Deborah is right about keeping together statements in the same language 
according to ISBD. Is there also a parallel title? Then it would look 
marginally nicer:

Title proper : other title information / mit Beiträgen von Fernando Aguiar [and 
88 others] ; hg. von X = Parallel title proper : parallel other title 
information / with contributions by Fernando Aguiar [and 88 others] ; ed. by X


On 01.04.2013 20:17, Benjamin A Abrahamse wrote:
It makes sense, but it's actually the outcome I was hoping to avoid as this 
also happens to be a t.p. with an extensive list of contributors (over 80 of 
them) on the t.p.  (And yes, the abbreviations are on the source.)

So it would end up looking like this:

Mit Beiträgen von Fernando Aguiar [and eighty-eight others] = with 
contributions by Fernando Aguiar [and eighty-eight others]



Benjamin Abrahamse
Cataloging Coordinator
Acquisitions, Metadata and Enterprise Systems
MIT Libraries

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] On Behalf Of Heidrun Wiesenmüller
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Parallel statements of responsibility


I think the "/" should indeed be replaced by a "=" according to 1.7.3, as it 
obviously is a case of parallel statements of responsibility (i.e. two 
different RDA elements). But I'd find it odd to have only "Mit Beiträgen von" 
as one of these statements of responsibility. As this is only an introductory 
phrase, it somehow seems to miss the point.

I wonder if we could solve this problem by making use of RDA 1.7.7 "Letters or 
Words Intended to Be Read More Than Once": "If a letter or word appears only 
once but the design of the source of information makes it clear that it is 
intended to be read more than once, repeat the letter or word."

Perhaps we could argue that on these title pages, the names are intended to be 
read twice, once with the German introductory phrase, and a second time with 
the English introductory phrase. Then you'd have:

mit Beiträgen von X, Y, Z = with contributions by X, Y, Z ; hg. von A = ed. by A

Does that make sense?


On 01.04.2013 19:36, Benjamin A Abrahamse wrote:
When a resource has parallel statements of responsibility on its chief source 
of information, but only the "connecting words" are parallel, not the names 
themselves, how does one treat this under RDA?

E.g., what I see on the t.p.:

Mit Beiträgen von/With contributions by ...
hg. von/ed. by ...

Is simply transcribing what I see enough, or should the "/" be replaced with " 
= "?

Mit Beiträgen von = With contributions by ... ; hg. von = ed. by ....


Benjamin Abrahamse
Cataloging Coordinator
Acquisitions, Metadata and Enterprise Systems
MIT Libraries



Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.

Stuttgart Media University

Faculty of Information and Communication

Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany<>



Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.

Stuttgart Media University

Faculty of Information and Communication

Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany<>



Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.

Stuttgart Media University

Faculty of Information and Communication

Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany<>

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