From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Browning, Sommer 
Sent: April-05-13 5:21 PM
Subject: [RDA-L] Can "Lecturer" be used as a valid relator term and do you have 
a good example of a DVD + Book RDA record?

>I’ve searched the list and couldn’t find if these questions had been asked 
>before so here goes.

>1.       We are cataloging a Great Courses DVD and course guide. We have the 
>lecturer and course guide author in the 100 field. What should his relator 
>term be? Is $e creator sufficient? Though he isn’t the creator of the DVD…? He 
>is a kind of performer and author…? Using $e lecturer seems silly.

The presence in the 100 field also would mean that the name would form part of 
the authorized access point for the work, but this is not appropriate for 
moving image works (Great Courses DVDs are cataloged primarily as moving image 
DVD videos, with the course guide being accompanying material).

For moving images works, only the preferred title for the DVD is used alone for 
the authorized access point for the work (RDA, so the lecturer would 
not be found in the 100 field.

As a lecturer, the person would be contributing to the expression, essentially 
as a 'performer'. In the list of designators under 'performer' are 'speaker' or 
'teacher'. The designator ' speaker' is the best fit, as RDA refers 
specifically to the delivery of a lecture (as opposed to a 'teacher' who is 
providing instructions or a demonstration).

The lecturer is also the writer of the course guide, so that is a clear work 
relationship. Instead of a contributor to the expression, the lecturer is the 
Creator of a work, specifically an 'author.'

Adding these two designators to the lecturer in 700 field would be the best fit 
for the two roles:

$e speaker $e author

2.       Related note: Can the relationship designator just be left off 

Yes, but the person would not be found in the 100 field because the description 
is primarily for a moving image work. A name in a 700 field can have 
designators supporting relationships to works or expressions in the resource, 
but the 100 field is reserved for allowable names that can form part of the 
authorized access point for the work.

Thomas Brenndorfer

Guelph Public Library

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