Jane, thanks so much.  I've just installed it and tried it out, and I think
it will be a great timesaver.

The two modifications I think I'm going to try to make--and this will be an
incentive to dust off my very ancient and very rudimentary macro-editing
skills--will be to add subfield $b (codes) to the 33x fields, and to see if
I can get 040 subfield $e to its now-recommended place between $b and $c.
 But that will be a project for some later time.

I am in awe of people who can actually write these things.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Jane Sandberg <sandb...@illinois.edu>wrote:

> Hello all,
> UIUC's cataloging department has a Connexion macro that derives an RDA
> bib record from an AACR2 one.  It's not perfect, but might be helpful
> for what you are trying to do, Karen.
> You can download it from here: http://www.library.illinois.edu/cam/rda
> -- under the RDA in OCLC Connexion header.  You can also find
> instructions and source code for the macro there.  It adds
> text/unmediated/volume 3xx, changes 260 to 264, changes the Desc to i,
> and replaces some really basic abbreviations.  It does not add $e to
> the 1xx or 7xx at this time.
> Disclosure: I wrote the macro (and am happy if people choose to
> modify/improve it).
>     -Jane Sandberg
>     Slavic Cataloging Graduate Assistant
>     University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Richard A. Stewart

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