I am attempting to upgrade an AACR2 LC record to RDA.  The LCCN is
2012032101.  This book contains two small collections of Ladino poems by a
Shephardic Jewish woman who grew up and lived a part of her life in
Salonika Greece.  These poems were never published. One of the collections
documents daily life and customs of Shepardic Jews in Salonika prior to
the Nazi invasion of the city.  The second collection documents the
"miseries that the Germans inflicted on Salonika, 1941-1943".  The poems
or Coplas were written by Bouena Sarfatty Garfinkle 30 years after the
War, and she later gave  them to Renee Levine Melammed.  Levine Melammed
was not able to begin working with the poems until several years later, by
which time Garfinkle had died.  The poems were organized by Garfinkle in
to the two collections mentioned above, however the collections were not
organized chronically or by subject, they were merely numbered as she
composed them.  Levine Melammed, in addition to providing a short
background of Garfinkle's life before, during, and shortly after the War,
reorganized each collection of poems in to smaller sub-themes, but she
included the original number that Garfinkle had assigned to each copla
beside it. In this book Levine Melammed has presented the Ladino verses
and provided an English translation on facing pages.  In addition she has
provided a glossary for non- Ladino words used by Garfinkle in the coplas
which were borrowed from other languages (Arabic, French, German, Greek,
Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish).

Under AACR2, LC has Levine Melammed as the author.  About half of the book
is the poems by Garfinkle, the other half is by Levine Melammed (and again
this includes: a brief history of Garfinkle's life before, during, and
shortly after the War, and brief description of what life was like for
Jews in Salonika during this same time period; the glossary of words
borrowed from other languages which appear in the Ladino poems;
bibliographic notes; a bibliography, and indexes). In LC's AACR2 record
Garfinkle appears only as a subject.  I feel that Garfinkle should receive
a 700 as well in this record, but my major problem is what relationship
designators to assign to Levine Melammed.  She is the author of material
that is essentially editorial matter to accompany the true focus of the
book, the Ladino poems, however there is more to this editorial matter
than just a glossary, bibliographic notes and indexes.  She has also
provided relevant historical background material to explain the topical
matter of the poems, so I don't mind Levine Melammed being in a 100 field
and  I will add a |e of author under RDA.  I will also add a |e
translator.  My problem is in how to describe her other roles in producing
the book.  She is a compiler of sorts, and an editor of sorts, as she
re-organized the collections of the poems in to sub-themes, and she has
also created the glossary, the notes, and the indexes.  But I'm having
trouble deciding how best to describe her non-author roles-is she also to
be considered an editor, a compiler, or an editor of a compilation?  This
is a compilation of sorts, in that these poems have never been published
before and Levine Melammed did have a role in how they are presented, but
there is more to the book than the poems, she did write accompanying
material. Can one have a |e for author and |e for compiler at the same
time?  And if I have a |e for compiler, does that imply editing as well?
In other words, would I also need a |e of editor, or if not editor, then a
|e editor of compilation.  I think my major problem is in understanding
exactly what a compilation is.  LC , under AACR2 did not even have a 700
for Garfinkle, but with RDA's greater focus on relationships, I think this
book would perhaps be considered a compilation of sorts, in which case  I
should have a 700 for Garfinkle, and at least one 100 |e that would
indicate that the book is a compilation.  

If anyone can help me with my understanding of what a compilation really
is, and how you would handle this book I would greatly appreciate your
advice. Apologies for the repetition in this message--it certainly is
reflective of my floundering about with RDA though! :-(

Thanks very much.

Dana Van Meter
Catalog Librarian
Historical Studies-Social Library
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ 08540

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