Thank you Mac.  I also thought not having a 700 for Garfinkle was an
error, and I will be adding one for her in my record.

After thinking on this a bit more I'm starting to feel that LC considered
this book to be a commentary and cataloged it following the rule for a
Commentary (21.13B1): "If the chief source of information of the item
being catalogued presents the item as a commentary, enter it as such (see
21.1-21.7). Make an added entry under the heading appropriate to the text"
and this is why Melammed has the main entry.  And also rule 21.6B1: " If,
in a work of shared responsibility, principal responsibility is attributed
(by the wording or the layout of the chief source of information of the
item being catalogued) to one person or corporate body, enter under the
heading for that person or body ... Make added entries under the headings
for other persons or bodies involved if there are not more than two." I
don't have a problem with following LC's assessment and having Melammed in
the 100 and Garfinkle in a 700. On the title page only Melammed is
represented as being responsible in terms of the layout, Garfinkle is only
mentioned under her maiden name in the other title information.  If
following LC's AACR2 interpretation in upgrading to RDA I'd follow rule Commentary, Annotations, Illustrative Content, Etc., Added to a
Previously Existing Work. 

I think that for Melammed I will add 3 relationship designators:
|eauthor,|etranslator,|eeditor of compilation. I would prefer something
more along the lines of |e author of added commentary, rather than |e
author, but that doesn't exist.  Is contributor a valid relationship
designator?  I don't see it in RDA itself, even though there is a MARC
Relator Code for it (ctb). I see that I.1 states "If none of the terms
listed in this appendix is appropriate or sufficiently specific, use
another concise term to indicate the nature of the relationship", and I'm
wondering how much freedom we have to coin terms, or if this is frowned
upon and we should wait for JSC to come up with new relationship

Thanks again for your help Mac!


-----Original Message-----
From: J. McRee Elrod [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Help with relationship designator

Dana Van Meter posted:

>In other words, would I also need a |e of editor, or if not editor, 
>then a
>|e editor of compilation.  I think my major problem is in understanding
>exactly what a compilation is.  LC , under AACR2 did not even have a 
>700 for Garfinkle ...

Omitting the 700 for the poet is an error it seems to me, not an AACR2
difference.  If you are not replacing the AACR2 record, I think you should
add the 700.

U assume the Cutter is for the poet.  If not, it should be, regardless of
who is 100.

In your local RDA record, or if replacing the AACR2 record, and if the
poems are half the content, I would consider coding the poet as 100
$eauthor (too bad "poet" is not in the list), and the editor as:

700 $econttributor.$eeditor of compilation,$etranslator.
You could do a longer line up:

700 $eannotator,$ecompiler,$econtributor,$eeditor,$etranslator.

The two RDA relaltionship phrases below also fit her roles, but IMNSHO are
too long to use in conjunction with $eeditor of complilation; if wanting
to use just one, that is the one I would use; it combines compiling and

 writer of added commentary
 writer of added text 

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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