
You know, can we just record what is actually in the item, instead of inventing things (note phrase cited above. Who writes like that?) Inventions of what things should be go back to pre-AACR2 rules. Do we want to go there?

I'm not sure I get your meaning. I believe RDA _does_ indeed tell us to record what is actually in the item, so it's not about inventing things. But RDA also tells us to think of the information we record as two different elements in some cases. Let's take an example. The source of information reads:

Fourth edition
Reprinted with corrections

In this case, RDA says that we should record "Fourth edition" as a designation of edition, and "reprinted with corrections" as quite another element, namely the one with the awkward name (designation of a named revision of an edition). I assume that the idea behind this is that you could then cluster all manifestations which belong to the fourth edition in a first step and then give users a choice between the different versions (e.g. the original one and the corrected reprint). Of course this would only work if the two different elements were somehow marked in the data, e.g. if we had separate subfields in MARC.

Personally, I'm not convinced that it's really necessary to split these things up. It feels rather artificial to me. I also find it a bit weird that the same information will sometimes be treated as "designation of a named revision of an edition" and sometimes as a straightforward designation of edition. Consider another resource, where the source of information only reads:

Reprinted with corrections

Then this would be recorded as the designation of edition, and not as the "designation of a named revision of an edition" (simply because there is no named edition to which the statement could refer).

I remember that there was a discussion in 2011 between the JSC and members of the ISBD Review Group:
which also included this topic.

In the outcomes paper
it says under 22.: "Designation of edition / Designation of a named revision of an edition: BL rep will prepare a proposal on behalf of JSC for merging these elements with a view to simplification of recording edition. JSC will then share this with

Does anybody now whether such a proposal has been put forward? I can't remember having come across it.


Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

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