May I take the occasion to point out another confusing definition in the RDA 

"Portfolio: A unit of extent of text that is a container for holding loose 
materials (e.g., paintings, drawings, papers, unbound sections of a book, and 
similar materials) usually consisting of two covers joined together at the 

There is something I'm not getting about how the RDA mind works. If something 
is "a unit of extent of text," how can it be a container for, e.g., paintings? 
I was driven back to the definition of "text" to see if maybe somehow it 
includes non-verbal images, but no, it's "Content expressed through a form of 
notation for language intended to be perceived visually." Though I suppose one 
picture IS worth a thousand words, so maybe that's how they figure it.

I'm also not too pleased with that "usually consisting of two covers joined 
together at the back" (which was taken over from the AACR 2 glossary). I've 
seen a lot of portfolios in my time, and relatively few look like that. 
Actually, come to think of it, I'm not even sure what it means. Two covers? The 
RDA definition of "cover" is "The outer protective material attached to a 
volume, consisting of both sides of the front and back panels and the spine to 
which they are joined."

Kathie Coblentz, Rare Materials Cataloger
Collections Strategy/Special Formats Processing
The New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
5th Avenue and 42nd Street, Room 313
New York, NY  10018

My opinions, not NYPL's

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