If the creator's name is part of the AAP, there is no conflict, unless the 
combination of name and preferred title are the same[footnote].  The title 
proper of one work being the same as the title proper of a different work is 
not in itself a conflict.  Conflicts only apply to *authorized access points*.  
If no creator's name is part of the AAP, *then* there would be a conflict 
between "Nature" and other resources that have the preferred title "Nature" and 
no creator's name as part of the AAP.

If we're saying that we'll put the AAP into 700 a/t instead of 100/24X, then 
you need to view the 245 as being *only the title proper*.  It can be the same 
as thousands of other things, but that doesn't matter because it's only the 
title proper of the manifestation.  The job of identifying the work/expression 
falls to the AAP (as RDA is currently being applied in our environment).


[footnote] There is a problem in the examples you give:  you do not have unique 
AAPs for the works by John Smith.  They all have the same AAP:

        "Nature" is called:  Smith, John. Poems. Selections
        "The Sea" is called:  Smith, John. Poems. Selections

This is contrary to RDA, which requires that there be something to distinguish 
them.  Interestingly, these examples actually lead me to that other discussion 
that's been going on, about RDA  What titles are these works *known* 
by?  I very strongly argue that the preferred titles for these works should be 
"Nature" and "The sea", since that is what everyone knows them by (the creator, 
the publisher, bookstores, library selectors, researchers, etc.).  It makes 
considerably more sense to have the following AAPs:

        Smith, John. Nature
        Smith, John. Sea

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
> [mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Arakawa, Steven
> Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 12:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [RDA-L] alternative titles and variant access points
> For the compilation with poems by Smith and Jones, you are providing
> access to the works of Smith and the works of Jones via 700 a/t, but the
> title of the compilation as a work in itself is conflicting with other
> compilation titles in 245 $a with the same title proper.
> I think you are a right with regard to single author compilations, but then
> that leaves 245 $a for the single author compilation still conflicting with
> multi-author compilations with the same title proper. So, it means we
> can't break the conflict because it would effectively create a second AAP
> for the same work/expression. We would then have one practice for single
> author compilations and a different practice for multiauthor compilations
> which would result in what appears to be an inconsistent display in the
> catalog.
> This is probably limited to the MARC environment.
> Steven Arakawa
> Catalog Librarian for Training & Documentation
> Catalog & Metada Services
> Sterling Memorial Library. Yale University
> P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240
> (203) 432-8286 steven.arak...@yale.edu

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