
Some followup:

Recopying the whole tree with --max-file-size 1000000 went very fast (< 1
min), left out the 3 files larger than that (including the 16.25g file), and
re-runs speedily too.


1. It looks like rdiff-backup can copy a 16.24g file over once, but then
insists on performing some impossible calculation on it even if subsequently
asked to ignore large files.

2. If larger files have never been copied, that's not a problem.

3. Copying it over even once is better than the latest rsync manages.

4. --max-file-size appears to be mostly not broken (aside from if a larger
file's already been copied

4. rsync's --max-size still appears broken (and a bug's been filed there).

Is there known stuff about truly large files on ext3 filesystems? Or in
conjunction with a kernel such as:

   2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 18:43:06 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux



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