Hi Greg,

> Try: ctest -V -R DbCLI
> that should run the test in Verbose mode so that you can see the failures.

Thanks - I have pasted the output below - looks like a file access issue (but I 
don't know why...).

Kind regards

C:\RDKit\build>ctest -V -R DbCLI
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :C:/RDKit/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :C:/RDKit/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project C:/RDKit/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 76
    Start 76: pythonTestDbCLI

76: Test command: C:\Python27\python.exe "C:/RDKit/Projects/test_list.py" 
"--testDir" "C:/RDKit/Projects"
76: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+006
76: [10:13:51] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:13:51] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:13:51] INFO:   Processing 10 molecules
76: [10:13:51] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:13:51] INFO: Finished.
76: [10:13:52] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:13:52] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:13:52] INFO:   Processing 163 molecules
76: [10:13:53] INFO:   done 100
76: [10:13:53] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:14:02] INFO: Finished.
76: [10:14:02] INFO: Reading query molecules and generating fingerprints
76: [10:14:03] INFO: Finding Neighbors
76: [10:14:04] INFO: The search took 0.6 seconds
76: [10:14:04] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:04] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:05] INFO: Reading query molecules and generating fingerprints
76: [10:14:05] INFO: Finding Neighbors
76: [10:14:05] INFO: The search took 0.3 seconds
76: [10:14:05] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:05] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:06] INFO: Reading query molecules and generating fingerprints
76: [10:14:06] INFO: Finding Neighbors
76: [10:14:06] INFO: The search took 0.1 seconds
76: [10:14:06] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:06] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:07] INFO: Doing property query
76: [10:14:07] INFO: Found 30 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:07] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:07] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:08] INFO: Doing property query
76: [10:14:08] INFO: Found 30 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:08] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:08] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:08] INFO: Doing substructure query
76: [10:14:09] INFO:    Fingerprint screenout rate: 112 of 163 (%68.71)
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Found 49 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Doing substructure query
76: [10:14:09] INFO:    Fingerprint screenout rate: 112 of 163 (%68.71)
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Found 49 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:09] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:10] INFO: Doing substructure query
76: [10:14:10] INFO: Found 114 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:10] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:10] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:11] INFO: Doing substructure query
76: [10:14:11] INFO:    Fingerprint screenout rate: 23 of 30 (%76.67)
76: [10:14:11] INFO: Found 5 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:11] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:11] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:12] INFO: Doing substructure query
76: [10:14:12] INFO: Found 25 molecules matching the query
76: [10:14:12] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:12] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:13] INFO: Reading query molecules and generating fingerprints
76: [10:14:18] INFO: Finding Neighbors
76: [10:14:19] INFO: The search took 0.9 seconds
76: [10:14:19] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:19] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:20] INFO: Reading query molecules and generating fingerprints
76: [10:14:20] INFO: Finding Neighbors
76: [10:14:20] INFO: The search took 0.0 seconds
76: [10:14:20] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:20] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:21] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:14:21] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:14:21] INFO:   Processing 10 molecules
76: [10:14:21] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:14:21] INFO: Finished.
76: [10:14:23] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:14:23] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:14:23] INFO:   Processing 10 molecules
76: [10:14:23] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:14:23] INFO: Finished.
76: .........Traceback (most recent call last):
76:   File "CreateDb.py", line 460, in <module>
76:     CreateDb(options,dataFilename)
76:   File "CreateDb.py", line 214, in CreateDb
76:     startAnew=not options.updateDb
76:   File "C:\RDKit\rdkit\Chem\MolDb\Loader_sa.py", line 111, in LoadDb
76:     os.unlink(dbName)
76: WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is 
being used by another process: 'testData/bzr\\Compounds.sqlt'
76: [10:14:24] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:14:24] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:14:24] INFO:   Processing 10 molecules
76: [10:14:25] INFO: Guessing that mol format is 'sdf'. Use --molFormat 
argument if this is wrong.
76: [10:14:25] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:14:25] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:14:25] INFO:   Processing 163 molecules
76: [10:14:25] INFO:   done 100
76: [10:14:26] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:14:27] INFO: Finished.
76: [10:14:28] INFO: Reading query molecules and generating fingerprints
76: [10:14:28] INFO: Finding Neighbors
76: [10:14:28] INFO: The search took 0.3 seconds
76: [10:14:28] INFO: Creating output
76: [10:14:28] INFO: Done!
76: [10:14:30] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:14:30] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:14:30] INFO:   Processing 10 molecules
76: [10:14:30] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:14:30] INFO: Finished.
76: [10:14:31] INFO: Reading molecules and constructing molecular database.
76: [10:14:31] INFO: Generating molecular database in file 
76: [10:14:31] INFO:   Processing 10 molecules
76: [10:14:32] INFO: Generating fingerprints and descriptors:
76: [10:14:32] INFO: Finished.
76: F..
76: ======================================================================
76: FAIL: test4CreateOptions (__main__.TestCase)
76: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
76: Traceback (most recent call last):
76:   File "TestDbCLI.py", line 412, in test4CreateOptions
76:     self.failIf(res)
76: AssertionError: 1 is not false
76: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
76: Ran 12 tests in 42.907s
76: FAILED (failures=1)
1/1 Test #76: pythonTestDbCLI ..................***Failed   43.55 sec

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =  43.77 sec

The following tests FAILED:
         76 - pythonTestDbCLI (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

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