The reply from Paolo was amazing and quick. I'm looking at this after a
week and one questions comes to mind: Is there a reason this can't work out
of the box?

On 11 May 2014 23:08, Jan Domanski <> wrote:

> Awesome, this was lightning speed Paolo - many thanks!
> - Jan
> On 10 May 2014 20:47, Paolo Tosco <> wrote:
>>  Dear Jan,
>> the reason why your restraint was seemingly not applied is that
>> MMFFAddTorsionConstraint() expected a range such as (170, 190). I have just
>> modified the code to make it more robust in this respect and I submitted a
>> pull request to Greg. Meanwhile, you may get the results you expect using a
>> (170, 190) degree range.
>> Please find attached a slightly modified version of your python script;
>> in particular, I added a call to SetDihedralDeg() before the constrained
>> minimization, to avoid troubles to the minimizer in case the geometry
>> generated by EmbedMultipleConfs() has dihedral values very far from the
>> desired target value.
>> Thanks for your detailed report which allowed chasing down that weakness
>> in my code!
>> Cheers,
>> Paolo
>> On 05/10/2014 04:28 PM, Jan Domanski wrote:
>>  Hi there,
>>  Attached is a crystal_ligand.mol2 for the ACE target from DUDE. I'd like
>> to generate a number of conformers for this ligand. The trick is it has 2
>> amide bonds that I'd like to keep planar. As far as I can see neither MMFF
>> nor UFF will keep those planar by default, at least not for this input
>> file.
>>  One way around it, is to find all the amide bonds by smarts matching.
>> From that, find the hydrogen connected to N and add a DihedralConstraint on
>> the 4 atoms before running the minimization.
>>  That's what is attempting to do (basing on one of the
>> test scripts). However, I still get non-planar amide bonds and I'm really
>> confused as to why. I can filter them out manually with GetDihedralDeg().
>>  Thanks for all the help (I'm using up all the rdkit credits this
>> weekend ;) )
>>  - Jan
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>> --
>> ==========================================================
>> Paolo Tosco, Ph.D.
>> Department of Drug Science and Technology
>> Via Pietro Giuria, 9 - 10125 Torino (Italy)
>> Tel: +39 011 670 7680 | Mob: +39 348 5537206
>> Fax: +39 011 670 7687 | E-mail: paolo.tosco@unito.it | 
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