On Oct 14, 2014, at 8:41 PM, Greg Landrum <greg.land...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> 
> wrote:
> I'm a bit lost with boost::python/RDKit/MacOSX.
> I have a boost::python function:
>     RDKit::ROMol *hydrogen_transformations(const RDKit::ROMol &r);
> which is exposed like this:
>     def("hydrogen_transformations", hydrogen_transformations, 
> return_value_policy<manage_new_object>());
> }
> That all looks fine.
> When I run this on my computers (RHEL6, Ubuntu, Fedora), it compiles and runs 
> fine fine.  When Bill Scott tries on his Mac, at run-time he gets:
>    File "/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/coot/pyrogen.py", line 607, in 
> make_restraints
>      sane_H_mol = pyrogen_boost.hydrogen_transformations(m_H)
> Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
>      pyrogen_boost.hydrogen_transformations(Mol)
> did not match C++ signature:
>      hydrogen_transformations(RDKit::ROMol)
> Where m_H is created like this:
> m_H = AllChem.AddHs(m)
> and has type:
> <class 'rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol'>
> I'm not following why a Mol is not an RDKit::ROMol.
> Don't get hung up on that bit; it's the usual way that those error messages 
> are worded. The first bit tells you the python type name, the second the C++ 
> type name. The problem here is that it seems to not recognize that it should 
> be able to translate the Mol into the ROMol.
> I'd appreciate any insight.
> ooof... insight's going to be tough... how about guesses? ;-)
> The first thing that comes to mind, and I'm not sure that this has any 
> relevance at all, is that it could be an import order thing. Does Bill import 
> Chem before he imports your code?
> The next possibility that I can come up with is that there was something 
> different in the build of your code and the RDKit on Bill's machine. Either 
> different compiler versions were used or different RDKit versions or 
> different boost versions. This somehow ends up being enough to screw up the 
> type recognition between the two extension modules. A check here is to be 
> sure that they were built using the same environment, that Python is using 
> the one you think it is, and that $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATHis set such that the 
> correct RDKit libs are being found.
> -greg

Hi Greg:

Thanks for the feedback.

The main likely differences are

1.  I am using Apple’s clang++

2.  I am using (fink’s) boost1.53.python27 to build (fink’s) RDkit (vers 
2014.03.1).  It was kind of an ordeal to get it working, so there is a distinct 
possibility I f-ed something up.

$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is by fink policy unset, but the library paths are all 
correctly hard-coded, and (in my case at least) I don’t have any other set of 
libs for it to find.



William G. Scott


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