
    Yes.  In principle, if one can figure out all of the possible undesired 

    Since my goal is to do this in RDkit and generate groups of atoms

that match, perhaps one approach is to simply use multiple RDkit pattern
matching statements (with multiple SMARTS), generate the groups of atoms, 
then combine the lists, removing identical groups.

    Hmmm... Is there a more straightforward (elegant) solution?


    Jim Metz


-----Original Message-----
From: Dante <dante.esgrimi...@gmail.com>
To: James T. Metz <jamestm...@aol.com>
Cc: RDKit Discuss <rdkit-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tue, Sep 19, 2017 8:45 am
Subject: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] single SMARTS for two patterns with Boolean OR

Hi Jim,

Could you use the 'NOT' logical operator (!) in combination with recursive 
SMARTS to eliminate the cross-matches?



On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 9:13 AM, James T. Metz via Rdkit-discuss 
<rdkit-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:


Is it possible to write a single SMARTS for two separate patterns involving
a Boolean OR?

For example,  I want to write a single SMARTS that can match the
patterns of 




I realize that I could write something like


but that would also match "cross" patterns such as

CN and NC which I don't want.

I have tried to write

([C]-[C]), ([N\-[N])   but I have not been able to get that syntax or related
expressions (variations of parentheses, brackets, etc) to work.

Hence, if someone knows how to combine separate SMARTS expressions into
a single expression with a Boolean OR, I would be grateful.  Thank you.

Jim Metz

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