One of the goals of ATOM is to fund work that will be open sourced.  I think 
any of the partners can choose to hire consultants for the work.

Transforming drug discovery. The Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in 
Medicine (ATOM) consortium is a public-private partnership with the mission of 
transforming drug discovery by accelerating the development of more effective 
therapies for patients.


From: Andrew Dalke <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:07:07 AM
To: RDKit Discuss
Subject: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Open-source business models and the RDKit

On Mar 27, 2019, at 08:24, Francois Berenger <> wrote:
> As an open-source project, I feel rdkit is quite successful.
> So, the user community is not so small.
> Some people who cannot contribute time could contribute money to the project
> (especially if it is tax-deductible, I guess).

I think the questions are "why would they contribute money?" and "why haven't 
they contributed money?".

If those questions cannot be answered well, then there's little reason to go 
further down this path to the next question, which is "how do we effectively 
encourage them to contribute money in the future?".

To be clear, Novartis contributed a lot of money for the RDKit development. 
Roche also funded me to develop and contribute the MCS package now part of the 
RDKit core, and the mmpdb project which was contributed to RDKit. These are 
also financial contributions and must not be ignored, and these are not the 
only two organizations which have done that.

But I honestly thought that there would be more interest in hiring my services 
as a consultant, to work on further development of open source software. I feel 
like there are clear economic benefits for companies to fund open source 

Instead, it feels like the more open source software packages I write and 
release, the fewer leads I get for new consulting work, compared to when I gave 
"I wrote this in-house application for company X that no one else will ever 
use" talks. Perhaps what's easily available for no cost is seen as having no 
value, while that which is hidden, no matter how hacky, is treasured?

My optimism started 20 years ago, when I was still involved with the Biopython 
project. My company offered commercial support for Biopython, and I had NDAs in 
place with several of the other Biopython developers so we could easily be 
funded to work on specific improvements that an organization might need.

I never found someone interested in providing that sort of funding for 
Biopython, and it still looks like that's the case in cheminformatics.

See also 'Roads and Bridges: The Unseen Labor Behind Our Digital 
Infrastructure' (ref. 53 in my paper) for further examples of the difficulties 
in funding open source work.

> On Mar 27, 2019, at 10:06, Greg Landrum <> wrote:
> If rdkit was accepted at the software freedom conservancy, I understand
> the management fee would be 10%:

There's also Software in the Public Interest, which "serves the free software 
and open source community by facilitating the administrative and financial 
needs of its associated projects", including the Open Bioinformatics 

When the OBF was created, it was common for many groups to start their own 
foundations. Since most of the administrative needs are the same for the 
different projects, it makes sense to consolidate.

> A question since I genuinely don't know: is it important to anyone that this 
> go through a not-for-profit entity?

The OBF became a not-for-profit to make it easier to organize the BOSC 
(Bioinformatics Open Source Conference) meetings. Some of the early BOSC 
meetings were run out of someone's personal bank account, and he was personally 
financially liable in case of problems.

Working through a non-profit makes it easier to set up things like summer 
internships (a la Google Summer of Code) and travel support, because the 
payment is less likely to be viewed as a way to get around employment laws. 
Open Bioinformatics has a Travel Fellowship program. I don't know the details.

Looking at the report for 2018 at , Open Bioinformatics 
spends about $5,000/year for IT and meet ups, an "ordinary income" of $5,400, 
and an equity of $85K.

There's overhead to running a non-profit, like filing paperwork, and that 
requires specialized knowledge. For revenues that small, it really helps to be 
affiliated with an existing umbrella organization. The OBF gave up their 
incorporation in 2012 to be an SPI-associated project.

For what RDKit does now, I see no need to set up/join a foundation. T5 
Informatics can organize an RDKit UGM the same way that any vendor can organize 
a UGM, and company acts as the firewall to your personal finances. T5 (or Dalke 
Scientific :) can also act as an intermediary if, for some reason, a company 
does not wish to fund someone directly. Though you'll have your own overhead in 
that case, because of the additional tax requirements in dealing with 

No matter what, that's going to be easier than arranging things through a 
university, even Paul's.

It's only if you start getting multiple organizations interested in 
contributing funding, or really want the transparency that T5 and RDKit funding 
are not intermingled, where I would suggest looking at that.

Another reason is if you want RDKit-the-organization to exist develop on its 
own, even without you. For example, Guido van Rossum is not the head of the 
Python Software Foundation nor on its board.



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