Dear all,

I am trying to use the RDKit C# wrapper dlls RDKFuncs.dll and RDKit2DotNet.dll 
in Unity 2017.4 but when I implement a script testing if the dlls work I get 
errors that the RDKFuncsw.dll failed to load and it gives a 
'DllNotFoundException' for RDKFuncs. I have built the dlls for 3.5 .Net, 4.0 
.Net and 4.5 Net but I get the same error each time. I am not sure if there's a 
certain build requirement for the RDKit dlls to enable compatibility with unity?

Thanks in advance,

Script used:
using UnityEngine;
using GraphMolWrap;

public class RdkitAtom : MonoBehaviour

    private void Start()

    public void AtomCoords()
        ROMol m1 = RWMol.MolFromPDBFile(Application.dataPath + 
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