Hi all/Greg,

I have a database of sdf.gz files and I want to gzip it in Windows. From the 
manual, ForwardSDMolSupplier is found in Chem.rdmolfiles of the 2020.03.01 

class rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.ForwardSDMolSupplier((object)arg1, 
(AtomPairsParameters)fileobj[, (bool)sanitize=True[, (bool)removeHs=True[, 
(bool)strictParsing=True]]]) → None :

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

A class which supplies molecules from file-like object containing SD data.

Usage examples:

  1.  Lazy evaluation: the molecules are not constructed until we ask for them:

>>> suppl = ForwardSDMolSupplier(file('in.sdf'))
>>> for mol in suppl:
...    if mol is not None: mol.GetNumAtoms()

  2.  we can also read from compressed files:

>>> import gzip
>>> suppl = ForwardSDMolSupplier(gzip.open('in.sdf.gz'))
>>> for mol in suppl:
...   if mol is not None: print mol.GetNumAtoms()

Then when I tried it in Spyder 4, this appeared:

suppl = ForwardSDMolSupplier(gzip.open('G:\Joanna\RDC\rdkit gz 
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-15-0da953541062>", line 1, in <module>
    suppl = ForwardSDMolSupplier(gzip.open('G:\Joanna\RDC\rdkit gz 

NameError: name 'ForwardSDMolSupplier' is not defined

I traced the location of rdmolfiles, but it is in pyd so I cannot check if the 
function was encoded there. I was tracing the location of ForwardSDMolSupplier 
and I found something in a folder under the "Chem" class folder named 
"Supplier" but I am not sure if I am in the right direction. I could not locate 
the location of the function so maybe someone can help me out so I can call out 
the right subclass. Thank you.

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