There are many points here that really need to be made.  I could write for days on this subject, but I'll just make a few points in anticipation that it will generate some open and accurate discussion.  Here's my 10 cents, in no particular order:

Right off the bat, don't get me wrong.  Utilities are often obstinate, stubborn, lethargic, and obstructionist.

Utilities do have a very difficult and challenging job.  There are many, many variables that are out of their control which have a dramatic affect on their service level.  Loads, generation sources, weather, varmints, equipment failure, aged infrastructure, regulations, politics, etc, etc, etc.  There are probably 30 more factors that affect their ability to provide reliable power at a reasonable price.

The utilities carry a HUGE burden.  If anything goes wrong, and equipment or personnel are harmed, they are THE DEEP POCKETs.  So, regardless if they are truly at fault or not, they bear the burden of defending themselves.  This inherent liability adds measurable expense to their cost of doing business.  It also makes them a bit paranoid and slow to react.

Most utilities are obliged to maintain voltage within ANSI-A range (+/-5% of nominal).  Occasional excursion into range B (+/-10%) is allowed.

There are two voltage "categories", service voltage, and utilization voltage.  Service voltage is the voltage supplied by the utility to the PCC (typically where the connection is made at the meter).  Utilization voltage is the voltage on the local premises where the actual load is connected.  The premises wiring system and local loads and generation dictate the difference between the utilization voltage and the service voltage.  This is exactly what William has correctly addressed by limiting local drops to 1% or less.  The utility can only control (and is held responsible for) the voltage to the PCC.

UL1741 now defers to IEEE1547 for utility protective functions (voltage, frequency, islanding, synchronization, harmonics, etc.)  Inverters are required to "cease exportation of power" if the utility voltage goes outside -12% and +10% of Vnom.  This requirement is for the PCC, however, voltage sensing at the inverter is allowed.  This is an important point, and is a blessing and a curse.  It is an accommodation the utilities made in order to allow connection of DG to their grid.

The utility can grant permission to use "alternate setpoints" for voltage or frequency trip points.  In fact, per IEEE1547, installations over 30kW MUST incorporate adjustable setpoints in the inverter to allow "tweaking" of these setpoints.  If the inverter has not been evaluated for alternate setpoints, it cannot be aggragated into an installation which generates more than 30kW peak. 

In the case of continued nuisance overvoltage trips, If the overvoltage trip points are raised, this may become an inverter protection issue.  Some inverters may tolerate +20% line voltage without risk of internal failure.  Others may not be tolerant of anything over +10% on a regular basis.  No matter what inverter you are using, there is some upper limit to the tolerable continuous line voltage.

Others with utility experience should weigh in here.  Matt L., John B. ???

See Ya!

Enphase Energy
707 763-4784 x7016

William Korthof wrote:
I'm beginning to wonder if the allowed voltage range for grid-tie inverters (+/-10%) is too
sensitive in some networks and contributes more harm than benefit. This is close to home.

We actually have a significant number of customers who've had trouble with grid voltage
causing their systems to go offline at various times. I think most or all are SCE customers.

So I've been having problems with the inverter at my own house going offline due to high
utility line voltage. We actually have 4 other systems in the neighborhood, with two more
going in in the next couple months. All of them are about equally affected, even though
each house is feed by a different transformer. I did a bit of research and found that some
of the grid hardware in the neighborhood is very old---some of the oldest in existence---
dating back as far as 1892. You can read about the San Antonio Power Plant (hydro)
and the Pomona substation online.

Going back to the 1950's, most of the local neighborhood sub-transmission in the US is
at a voltage around 12 kV or more, with transformers for the 120/208/240 or 277/480.
But some older neighborhoods that haven't been upgraded (and some campuses) use
an intermediate system, usually 2400/4160 volts. My neighborhood is still mostly fed by
the old 2400/4160v network.

Generally, the utility voltage at my house is in the mid 120's--- around 125 vac per phase.
But at times, the voltage goes up higher---two weeks ago I saw 129 to 130V per phase.
That voltage was high enough to put all of the inverters that I checked offline for much
of the day.

So I've had to call in "voltage trouble" complaints to the utility at least a dozen times
over the past 5 years in response to seeing inverters offline and line voltage about
8% above nominal.

This periodic voltage problem has been going on for years, typically worst in summer.
I upgraded with new service panels and heavier feeders at each of the houses to do
my part to help. The circuits are now sized so that voltage drop in every case from the
inverter terminals to the utility entrances are all under 1% at full solar output.
Six months ago, utility crews replaced some transformers around the neighborhood
(some appeared to be original), yet they didn't move any customers from the old 4kV
supply to the newer 12 kV supply.

I've read that the utility's operating guidelines call for keeping the supply voltage
within +/- 5% of nominal voltage at the customer's service terminals.

If the utility actually stays within 5%, and if solar inverters allow for voltages to vary
up to +/- 10% from nominal, then things _should_ be okay. However, in practice, I see
the inverters going offline right at 129 to 130V per phase, not 132V (+10%).

In response to the last trouble call, I talked with the crew that came out. I think their
response helps explain the problem... my issue seems to go back to the substation.
Apparently other customers on another feeder from the same substation complain
about low voltage---around 108-110V per phase. So they raise the voltage
regulator at the substation and everyone goes up 5%. It's easy to see how the drop
on a 4kV feeder could be 1% on one feeder and 10% on another---- example:
a load of 865 kW (~400 homes with A/C) or 120 amps at 4kV 3 ph, in 2 miles of #2
copper is a voltage drop of 10%... yet 300 kW going 3000 ft gives a voltage drop
under 1%. If voltage drop is 10% on one feeder, but only 1% on a different feeder...
it's tricky for the operator to keep everyone reliably within 5% of nominal.
In my neighborhood, SCE technicians apparently view it as normal operating
procedure to supply 126 or 129 volts per phase.

So it seems there are several possible remedies:
1) ignore the problem and hope I don't lose too many kWh's due to grid overvoltage

2) I could install transformers to lower the voltage to the inverters by ~5%----so far,
grid voltage in my neighborhood has *always* measured at or above nominal.

3) if it weren't for the UL and IEEE standards, solar inverters could be set with values
that made them compatible with prevailing utility operating conditions, perhaps
+/- 15% of nominal voltage.

4) at a cost of many millions of $$$, SCE could completely replace the local
distribution system with new 12kV facilities, even though annual load growth
on the old wires is trivial or possibly negative...

5) at a more modest cost, SCE could make strategic upgrades to lower the load
and voltage drop on the most stressed parts of the old network

How have other installers dealt with utility voltage problems?


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