is an informative site. I check it daily.

Dick Ratico
Solarwind Electric

--- You wrote:
I have been following this lightly [ha] and the last time we went into this
level of solar activity in the late 1800's there were telegraph offices that
literally burst into flames. At that time we did not have the utility grid
infrastructure. With today's web of power lines which seem to act like an
antenna for this magnetic waves there is potential for some interesting


Would a solar array concentrate or just act as an antenna?


I have military friends who have purchased early model diesel trucks that do
not rely on computers to operate the truck in anticipation of this event.
And they are asking me questions I cannot start to answer about "hardened"
[shielded] electronic equipment.


NASA has quite a bit of info type in - solar storm in their search bar and
there are lots of related links to things like EMP bomb effects, etc.



Dana Orzel -  Great Solar Works, Inc -  E - -  V

F - 970.626.4140     C - 970.209.4076     web -  

"Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email


[] On Behalf Of Corey
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:18 AM
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Solar Modules vs. Solar Flares


Greetings Wrenches,


I am a new member and have been listening in for the past couple months,
very grateful to have found this amazing resource. Big Up to all involved!


We have a doomsday-driven customer who is apparently concerned that next
year the sun will wipe out the very devices intended to harvest its energy.
I have pasted a portion of his message below:


    "A NOVA special on PBS this evening indicated that the sun is entering a
phase of maximum activity, peaking in 2013, that could include coronal mass
ejections which could damage not only various components in the power grid,
but also most modern electronics in cars, cell phones, etc. My solar powered
back-up system is supposed to provide back-up power in the event of loss of
the power grid. Has any consideration been given to the effect of solar
flares or electro-magnetic pulse effects on solar panels, charge
controllers, inverters and associated components? I assume that the
batteries themselves would be relatively unaffected, and that the inverter
would probably be at highest risk for damage either from a surge from the
power grid or from damage to IC chips from an electromagnetic pulse. Are the
individual solar panels particularly susceptible to such damage? Since the
charge controllers and inverter are housed in metal boxes, are they
essentially the same as Faraday cages, protecting the components contained
inside of their respective boxes?

    I realize that a sufficiently strong electromagnetic pulse, whether
man-made or from the sun, will probably fry most electronic devices. But I
would consider spending a bit more if additional hardware, not contemplated
in the current contract, might provide some additional measure of


I am wondering if anyone on the list has information on the potential
effects of increased solar activity on PV equipment. How would you respond
to this customer's concerns?



Corey Shalanski
--- end of quote ---
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