I'd offer to order replacement cells for the customer, for as many of the 16 as the customer wishes to replace - let them decide. As you have already made your margin on the sale, you could offer the replacements at a substantial discount just to cover your time and expenses. I'd decline offering "repairs" or even more than cursory advice that might come back to bite you years from now when one or more cells fail prematurely.

Re loss of acid: of course the voltage is holding fine - the amount of electrolyte in the cell doesn't affect voltage. But you are guessing at the amount of H2SO4 to add. A bad estimate could also come back to haunt you down the road.

Allan Sindelar
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder and Chief Technology Officer
Positive Energy, Inc., a Certified B CorporationTM
3209 Richards Lane
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
505 424-1112 office 780-2738 cell


On 9/13/2013 1:11 AM, Jeff Clearwater wrote:
Hi Wrenchies,

Any Input would be greatly appreciated!

Jeff Clearwater wrote:
Esteemed Wrenches,

I need your advice on this most unfortunate situation.

I arranged a purchase of 16 Trojan L16 RE-Bs for a client and they went to pick them up.  They didn't secure them well on their flatbed tralier and as they climbed their windy mountain driveway they lost 4 of the batteries over the side of the road and several more fell on their side on the trailer.

The damage falls in 3 categories:

1)  Broken or cracked posts, caps and handles,

2)  Loss of Acid

3)  Unknown damage due to shock of falling . . .

It's the last category that concerns me - I'm recommending they replace the ones that took a tumble enough to break posts.  (although experience with fixing posts would be welcomed)

And the loss of acid doesn't seem extensive - the voltage is holding fine - perhaps we'll just add water or perhaps acid and water - we'll work that one.  (though any input on amount of acid lost before needing to add acid would be welcomed input) (all but one seem to be above the plates still).

But I'm seeking advice on whether you can trust an L16 that has violently fallen on its side.  Can the force of a fall like that loosen or crack plates and cause problems that show up later?

Here's the summary of damage:

Battery Voltage Damage Fill Level
1      6.342

2     6.343

3      6.341

4      6.318

5      6.351

6     6.315

7     6.349

8     6.314

9      6.344  Broken Post
10    6.348 Cracked Post
11     6.33

12     6.336

13     6.304 Broken Handle
14     6.346 Broken Handle
15     6.334 2 Broken Posts, Case Cracked, Broken Handle Plate Exposed
16      6.34



Jeff Clearwater
Village Power Design
Renewable Energy Design & Installation
Ecovillage Design Consultant

Licensed Solar Contractor in CA - C-46

Jeff Clearwater
Village Power Design
Renewable Energy Design & Installation
Ecovillage Design Consultant

NABCEP™ Certified Solar PV Installer
Licensed Solar Contractor in CA - C-46

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