Hi All,
Anyone have feedback/review of the 600 volt Schneider Charge Controller
that they'd care to share?  I have an existing Conext XW+ off-grid system
with combox communication setup which currently has about 1.5 kW of solar
feeding through 2 MX60s (no hub). We'll be adding about 5kW (on a TPM about
150' away) and I'm trying to decide if overall it would be better to use
the Schneider 600v (which I haven't used before, although I have serviced
the 150v XW with no real complaints).  Typically I would use a Classic200,
but given the ability to integrate with the XW6848 and communicate through
the Combox for more offsite visibility, I'm considering the Schneider, but
only if it's not going to provide me with the benefit of added service
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