Hi, We are doing our first system with these two devices. The inverter is SolArk 12P (mutimode) and the Tigo product for RS is the TS4F.  Tigo has me a little bit walking in circles.

I told them that SolArk says not to use the 12VDC RS output terminals for connecting the transmitter.  I gave them the attached drawing which they ask for, which shows the transmitter connected to a 120VAC/12VDC breaker which they supply.  They told me to wire the 120VAC source to the main service panel so the array would shut down on loss of power. I told them that is exactly NOTwhat I wanted to happen as that would stop the battery charging when there is a loss of utility power. I said I wanted the 120VAC source to be the back up loads panel. After about a week of calls and emails, I got an email back saying to use the SolArk 12VDC terminals for RS.  I just emailed them a screen shot of the SolArk manual that says not to do that.

At this point, I am asking anyone on the list to let me know how they wired the transmitter successfully. Thank you for any guidance, Chris Warfel

            Christopher Warfel
                     ENTECH Engineering, Inc.
PO Box 871, Block Island, RI 02807

Attachment: Tigo Transmitter Powering.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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