(Ack, meant to include the list.)

> That's a choice I made deliberately.  It would be possible to use commas, but 
> then you HAVE to use them everywhere.

Yeah. I was just thinking aloud. I am totally fine keeping variable
names short :)

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:24 PM, David A. Wheeler <dwhee...@dwheeler.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, all those options make sense. More generally, my lesson is that
>> infix is more valuable when you can keep the variable names short. In
>> general, the fact that we can't use commas in function arguments makes
>> long variable names more klunky than in other languages.
> That's a choice I made deliberately.  It would be possible to use commas, but 
> then you HAVE to use them everywhere.  They're completely unnecessary, since 
> you have to group infix and prefix operators anyway.  They also hide 
> comma-lifting, they make function calls really different from normal.  I 
> played around with them and decided the drawbacks were worse than the 
> benefits.
> You can also use variable names with other symbols.  Ada programs tend to use 
> _ as a word separator inside a variable name, it works well.
> --- David A. Wheeler

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