Am 23.11.2013 11:28, schrieb "Jörg F. Wittenberger":
The attached patch

Which attached patch you ask?

Here we go.

--- kernel.scm.orig	2013-11-23 11:16:19.000000000 +0100
+++ kernel.scm	2013-11-23 11:17:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -176,6 +176,97 @@
     (define-module (readable kernel)))
   (else ))
+; Chicken compatible type annotations.  Ignored on other platforms.
+ (chicken
+  (define-type :reader-proc: (input-port -> *))
+  (define-type :reader-token: (pair symbol *))
+  (define-type :reader-indent-token: (list string *))
+  (define-syntax no-values (syntax-rules () ((_) (void))))
+  )
+ (rscheme
+  (define-macro (: . x) #f)
+  (define-macro (no-values) (values))
+  )
+ (else
+  (define-syntax : (syntax-rules () ((_ . rest) #f)))
+  (define-syntax no-values (syntax-rules () ((_) (if #f #t))))
+  ))
+; Implementation specific extension to flush output on ports.
+ (guile ; Don't use define-syntax, that doesn't work on all guiles
+  (define (flush-output-port port) ; this is the only format we need.
+    (force-output port)))
+ (chicken
+  (define-syntax flush-output-port
+    (syntax-rules () ((_ port) (flush-output port)))))
+ (else ))
+; Special cases for those Scheme implementations which do that not
+; support define-syntax.
+; Note that guile is a large special case further down.
+ (rscheme
+  (define-macro (readable-kernel-module-contents exports . body)
+    `(begin ;; (export ,@exports)
+	    ,@body))
+  (define-macro (let-splitter (full first-value second-value) expr . body)
+    `(let* ((,full ,expr)
+	    (,first-value (car ,full))
+	    (,second-value (cadr ,full)))
+      . ,body))
+  )
+ (else
+    ; assume R5RS with define-syntax
+    ; On R6RS, and other Scheme's, module contents must
+    ; be entirely inside a top-level module structure.
+    ; Use module-contents to support that.  On Schemes
+    ; where module declarations are separate top-level
+    ; expressions, we expect module-contents to transform
+    ; to a simple (begin ...), and possibly include
+    ; whatever declares exported stuff on that Scheme.
+    (define-syntax readable-kernel-module-contents
+      (syntax-rules ()
+        ((readable-kernel-module-contents exports body ...)
+          (begin body ...))))
+  ; There is no standard Scheme mechanism to unread multiple characters.
+  ; Therefore, the key productions and some of their supporting procedures
+  ; return both the information on what ended their reading process,
+  ; as well the actual value (if any) they read before whatever stopped them.
+  ; That way, procedures can process the value as read, and then pass on
+  ; the ending information to whatever needs it next.  This approach,
+  ; which we call a "non-tokenizing" implementation, implements a tokenizer
+  ; via procedure calls instead of needing a separate tokenizer.
+  ; The ending information can be:
+  ; - "stopper" - this is returned by productions etc. that do NOT
+  ;     read past the of a line (outside of paired characters and strings).
+  ;     It is 'normal if it ended normally (e.g., at end of line); else it's
+  ;     'sublist-marker ($), 'group-split-marker (\\), 'collecting (<*),
+  ;     'collecting-end (*>), 'scomment (special comments like #|...|#), or
+  ;     'abbrevw (initial abbreviation with whitespace after it).
+  ; - "new-indent" - this is returned by productions etc. that DO read
+  ;     past the end of a line.  Such productions typically read the
+  ;     next line's indent to determine if they should return.
+  ;     If they should, they return the new indent so callers can
+  ;     determine what to do next.  A "*>" should return even though its
+  ;     visible indent level is length 0; we handle this by prepending
+  ;     all normal indents with "^", and "*>" generates a length-0 indent
+  ;     (which is thus shorter than even an indent of 0 characters).
+  (define-syntax let-splitter
+    (syntax-rules ()
+      ((let-splitter (full first-value second-value) expr body ...)
+        (let* ((full expr)
+               (first-value (car full))
+               (second-value (cadr full)))
+               body ...))))
+  ))
 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; Guile Compatibility
@@ -243,10 +334,6 @@
       (debug-set! stack 500000)
-    ; Implementation specific extension to flush output on ports.
-    (define (flush-output-port port) ; this is the only format we need.
-      (force-output port))
     ; Guile was the original development environment, so the algorithm
     ; practically acts as if it is in Guile.
     ; Needs to be lambdas because otherwise Guile 2.0 acts strangely,
@@ -455,52 +542,15 @@
   (define (type-of x) #f)
   (define (type? x) #f)
-  (define (string->keyword s)
-    (symbol->keyword (string->symbol s)))
 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; R5RS Compatibility
 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ; assume R5RS with define-syntax
-    ; On R6RS, and other Scheme's, module contents must
-    ; be entirely inside a top-level module structure.
-    ; Use module-contents to support that.  On Schemes
-    ; where module declarations are separate top-level
-    ; expressions, we expect module-contents to transform
-    ; to a simple (begin ...), and possibly include
-    ; whatever declares exported stuff on that Scheme.
-    (define-syntax readable-kernel-module-contents
-      (syntax-rules ()
-        ((readable-kernel-module-contents exports body ...)
-          (begin body ...))))
-    ; We include chicken compatible type annotations (":"), per
-    ;
-    ; These are ignored on other platforms.
-    (cond-expand
-     (chicken
-      (define-type :reader-proc: (input-port -> *))
-      (define-type :reader-token: (pair symbol *))
-      (define-type :reader-indent-token: (list string *))
-      (define-syntax no-values (syntax-rules () ((_) (void))))
-      )
-     (else
-      (define-syntax : (syntax-rules ((_ . rest) #f)))
-      (define-syntax no-values (syntax-rules () ((_) (if #f #t))))))
     ; A do-nothing.
     (define (init-sweet) (no-values))
-    ; Implementation specific extension to flush output on ports.
-    (cond-expand
-     (chicken
-      (define-syntax flush-output-port
-        (syntax-rules () ((_ port) (flush-output port)))))
-     (else ))
     ; We use my-* procedures so that the
     ; "port" automatically keeps track of source position.
     ; On Schemes where that is not true (e.g. Racket, where
@@ -535,11 +585,6 @@
     (define (get-sourceinfo _) #f)
     (define (attach-sourceinfo _ x) x)
-    ; Not strictly R5RS but we expect at least some Schemes
-    ; to allow this somehow.
-    (define (replace-read-with f)
-      (set! read f))
     ; R5RS has no hash extensions
     (define (parse-hash no-indent-read char fake-port) #f)
@@ -555,7 +600,31 @@
     ; Somehow get SRFI-69 and SRFI-1
+ (guile
+    ; Handled in the guile specific section.
+  )
+ (rscheme
+    ; Not strictly R5RS but and RScheme complains.
+    ; FIXME: figure out what to do.
+    (define (replace-read-with f)
+      #f ;; (set! read f)
+      )
+  )
+ (else
+    ; Not strictly R5RS but we expect at least some Schemes
+    ; to allow this somehow.
+    (define (replace-read-with f)
+      (set! read f))
+  ))
+; keyword creation
+ ((or guile rscheme)
+  (define (string->keyword s)
+    (symbol->keyword (string->symbol s))))
+ (else ))
 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; Module declaration and useful utilities
@@ -1194,13 +1263,12 @@
   ; Translate "x" to Common Lisp representation if we're printing CL.
   ; Basically we use a very unusual representation, and then translate it back
-  (: translate-cl (* --> *))
   (define translate-cl
     (let ((qq (string->symbol "+++CL-QUASIQUOTE-abbreviation+++"))
 	  (uq (string->symbol "+++CL-UNQUOTE-abbreviation+++"))
 	  (us (string->symbol "+++CL-UNQUOTE-SPLICING-abbreviation+++")))
       (lambda (x)
-	(if common-lisp
+	(if (common-lisp)
 	    (case x
 	      ((quasiquote)       qq)
 	      ((unquote)          uq)
@@ -1588,37 +1656,6 @@
 ; Sweet Expressions (this implementation maps to the BNF)
 ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ; There is no standard Scheme mechanism to unread multiple characters.
-  ; Therefore, the key productions and some of their supporting procedures
-  ; return both the information on what ended their reading process,
-  ; as well the actual value (if any) they read before whatever stopped them.
-  ; That way, procedures can process the value as read, and then pass on
-  ; the ending information to whatever needs it next.  This approach,
-  ; which we call a "non-tokenizing" implementation, implements a tokenizer
-  ; via procedure calls instead of needing a separate tokenizer.
-  ; The ending information can be:
-  ; - "stopper" - this is returned by productions etc. that do NOT
-  ;     read past the of a line (outside of paired characters and strings).
-  ;     It is 'normal if it ended normally (e.g., at end of line); else it's
-  ;     'sublist-marker ($), 'group-split-marker (\\), 'collecting (<*),
-  ;     'collecting-end (*>), 'scomment (special comments like #|...|#), or
-  ;     'abbrevw (initial abbreviation with whitespace after it).
-  ; - "new-indent" - this is returned by productions etc. that DO read
-  ;     past the end of a line.  Such productions typically read the
-  ;     next line's indent to determine if they should return.
-  ;     If they should, they return the new indent so callers can
-  ;     determine what to do next.  A "*>" should return even though its
-  ;     visible indent level is length 0; we handle this by prepending
-  ;     all normal indents with "^", and "*>" generates a length-0 indent
-  ;     (which is thus shorter than even an indent of 0 characters).
-  (define-syntax let-splitter
-    (syntax-rules ()
-      ((let-splitter (full first-value second-value) expr body ...)
-        (let* ((full expr)
-               (first-value (car full))
-               (second-value (cadr full)))
-               body ...))))
   ; Note: If your Lisp has macros, but doesn't support hygenic macros,
   ; it's probably trivial to reimplement this.  E.G., in Common Lisp:
   ; (defmacro let-splitter ((full first-value second-value) expr &rest body)
@@ -1703,13 +1740,13 @@
         (let* ((consumed-sharp (my-read-char port))
                (result (process-sharp neoteric-read-nocomment port)))
+	    ((not (pair? result)) (read-error "Unsupported hash"))
             ((eq? (car result) 'normal)
               (list 'normal (neoteric-process-tail port (cadr result))))
             ((eq? (car result) 'abbrev)
               (list 'normal
                 (list (cadr result) (neoteric-read-nocomment port))))
-            ((pair? result) result)
-            (else (read-error "Unsupported hash"))))
+            (else result)))
         (list 'normal (neoteric-read-nocomment port))))
   ; Read an n-expression.  Returns ('normal n-expr) in most cases;
@@ -2009,8 +2046,8 @@
         (else (list 'normal (list basic-value))))))
   ; Returns (new-indent computed-value)
-  (: body (input-port string -> :reader-token:))
-  (define (body port starting-indent)
+  (: read-body (input-port string -> :reader-token:))
+  (define (read-body port starting-indent)
     (let-splitter (i-full-results i-new-indent i-value)
                   (it-expr port starting-indent)
       (if (string=? starting-indent i-new-indent)
@@ -2021,9 +2058,9 @@
                     (read-error "Dedent required after lone . and value line"))
                 (list f-new-indent f-value)) ; final value of improper list
               (if (eq? i-value empty-value)
-                (body port i-new-indent)
+                (read-body port i-new-indent)
                 (let-splitter (nxt-full-results nxt-new-indent nxt-value)
-                              (body port i-new-indent)
+                              (read-body port i-new-indent)
                   (list nxt-new-indent (cons i-value nxt-value)))))
           (list i-new-indent (list1e i-value))))) ; dedent - end list.
@@ -2058,7 +2095,7 @@
               (let ((new-indent (get-next-indent port)))
                 (if (indentation>? new-indent starting-indent)
                     (let-splitter (body-full body-new-indent body-value)
-                                  (body port new-indent)
+                                  (read-body port new-indent)
                       (list body-new-indent (my-append line-value body-value)))
                     (list new-indent (monify line-value)))))
@@ -2077,7 +2114,7 @@
                     (if (indentation>? new-indent starting-indent)
                            (body-full-results body-new-indent body-value)
-                           (body port new-indent)
+                           (read-body port new-indent)
                         (list body-new-indent empty-value))
                       (read-error "#;+EOL must be followed by indent"))))))
             ((or (eq? line-stopper 'group-split-marker)
@@ -2088,7 +2125,7 @@
                   (let ((new-indent (get-next-indent port)))
                       ((indentation>? new-indent starting-indent)
-                        (body port new-indent))
+                        (read-body port new-indent))
                         (list new-indent empty-value))))))
             ((eq? line-stopper 'sublist-marker)
@@ -2105,7 +2142,7 @@
                     (if (not (indentation>? new-indent starting-indent))
                         (read-error "Indent required after abbreviation"))
                     (let-splitter (ab-full-results ab-new-indent ab-value)
-                                  (body port new-indent)
+                                  (read-body port new-indent)
                       (list ab-new-indent
                         (append (list line-value) ab-value))))
                   (let-splitter (ai-full-results ai-new-indent ai-value)
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