On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 11:28:22 +0100, "Jörg F. Wittenberger"
 <joerg.wittenber...@softeyes.net> wrote:
> Did I say "next week"?  I should rather do something else, but I can't 
> fight myself.  :-/

Excellent!  They're merged in the repo now, although I had to make a
number of changes to make guile work.

> Bad news this time.

> I'd now rather take back my suggestion to macro-define around: while it 
> would work for the call site, I have no (good) idea how to change the 
> definition.

No problem.  I don't mind violating the naming convention for portability,
as long as we document *why* in a comment.  I added such a comment,
and accepted your renames.

> Furthermore bad news regarding the idea to move those cond-expand's into 
> the read-able-module-contents.
> The problem is not cond-expand, but rscheme accepts define-macro only at 
> top level.


I see no way to avoid having some leakage into the invoker's namespace
in those cases.  We can probably rename those things to make
them unlikely to matter, e.g., including "readable-" prefixes in them.
We should probably split up the cond-expands so things that HAVE to
be expanded outside, for a given implementation, are done... and everyone
else has a cleaner interface.

> The attached patch has a strange name in a way, considering that it 
> contains much more than this. However it also fixes a bug in 
> n-expr-or-scomment.

Not a problem, I split it into multiple commits anyway.

I ended up doing modifying it so that guile will work.
Please test and see if my modifications also work for you!

> David, could you merge this into the git repo?

Done, with mods as noted above.

In the longer term we should reorganize it, to limit name leakage,
but it may be easier to first make sure it *runs* on these different Schemes.

*grumble* Scheme should have had a standard module system,
decades ago *grumble*.  Using macros to work around the lack
of a universally-implemented module system is awkward and imperfect.

>  The next thing I'd try 
> to get around would be making those settings port specific.  But I'd 
> rather like to keep those diffs size down.

Smaller diffs sounds awesome to me!!

--- David A. Wheeler

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