daniel miller kirjoitti:
> one thing to keep in mind -- an issue with libomv is it runs on its
> own thread.  Since we're thinking about issues of concurrence,
> parallelism, performance etc (we've been talking on IRC about that,
> should move to rex-arch at some point) -- I'd like to understand how

some copy-paste from irc, as notes for the doc that have been working 
on, are in
http://www.playsign.fi/engine/rex/viewerarchs/index_html#notes .. dunno 
if manage to make something more sensible out of that still before the 
end of the year but will work on some of these issues at least.

hm this now seems to be going to both the general and the arch list, 
dunno what would be good.

> the C++ port of libomv will be dealing with that issue.

good point.

> My preference (and this may be true of C# libomv, I profess I haven't
> looked closely) would be to have an API and documentation that makes
> it very explicit what is going on -- ie, who is starting a thread, and
> what sorts of operations will be happening on that thread.  It would
> also be nice if there were an easy way to fine-tune the thread
> creation process from the application layer.


I also like techniques where code if not tied to a certain specific way 
of execution. Haven't look specifically for this yet now, but recall 
from somewhere that there are systems where you can run same components 
either in a single thread or in multiple -- where that decision has been 
kind of pushed up to a configuration level. I guess Twisted reaches this 
in some way by having the reactors in control, and also mentioned 
Kamaelia to Ryan earlier and he looked into it (I haven't used it 
earlier nor studied yet now). Also in the Intel design / Smoke demo the 
different subsystems just define tasks that the scheduler executes, 
using 1 / thread per processor (but if you have e.g. 4 you can get tasks 
from a single subsystem running in parallel, I don't actually know yet 
how they deal with concurrency there as otherwise the division to 
subsystems and them keeping private copies of data is how they approach 

Anyhow, even simple things help, like not just having a start() call 
that creates a thread and runs in a while loop inside as the only way to 
use a library, but having also calls like poll() in network / ui / event 
libs and renderOneFrame() in Ogre (openviewer uses that).

> Using a thread to watch an I/O stream and notify other parts of the
> application when something occurs is, IMSHO, about the only use of
> threads that I have found to be useful and manageable.  It sort of

I've found that select() does a good job there so that threads are not 
always needed for I/O :) .. but yes there are places where things block, 
like opening a new tcp connection IIRC.

> The heavier use of threads popular today in languages like Java and C#
> (and to some extent in C++) is something entirely different.  It's
> basically multitasking with shared memory.  That leads to all the
> craziness with locks and sempaphores, and all the tangential issues of
> managing multiple asynchronous write access to a shared resource.  In
> effect, you have to build a memory-based database layer, because you

Right. There are cases where this memory sharing for true parallel 
execution is necessary, like in image rendering (e.g. in Blender) it 
makes sense to have a thread / processor and them all having access to 
the same scene data. The geometry for a movie scene is huge, you don't 
want to duplicate that. Also the usage is simple as all threads just 
read the memory and don't modify anything in the scene - just output 
pixels, which is easy to manage 'cause every worker has an own tile so 
nothing is shared where writing is being done. But this is exceptional, 
and I think for a good reason the only place in Blender where threading 
is used (they are right now porting stuff over for the new 2.5 
architecture which has a new event system, also new windowing lib etc. 

> upshot is that if you have two threads sharing a piece of memory as a
> way of communicating, the latency between one thread writing the data
> and the other thread reading the new value can be up to 100 ms,
> meaning the total back-and-forth message rate between the two threads
> is as low as 5 HZ.

Interesting. I've avoided unnecessary threading for the 1st class of 
reasons you mentioned, loosing determinism and needing to worry about 
data access, and have just heard that it is inefficient too (which of 
course makes sense 'cause there is additional context switching and 
other overhead) - never considered the execution in such detail.

> matter) communicating over sockets or pipes.  What makes this method
> attractive is that when process A sends a message to process B, it is
> in effect notifying the OS that process B should wake up and do
> something.  In most cases, this means that a context switch will

The Intel design is exactly about notifications, subsystems subscribing 
to the type of changes in the data that they are interested in, but I 
don't know how the execution in that system goes w.r.t context switches 
.. there are no sockets but just function calls. Oh and again 1 thread / 
processor so I guess no context switches then .. and the tasks must be 
written in a non-blocking manner.

> This post went a bit beyond the subject at hand, but these are issues
> that should be addressed with respect to every 3rd party library we
> will be utilizing for this new project.

Certainly relevant for something as central as the networking component, 
and hopefully the LibOMV effort can take this into consideration.

Otherwise I think for libraries and components to be plugged into the 
system, we have to be liberal in the sense that allow basically 
anything. If someone has a networking implementation, GUI library, a 
custom controller device or an AI library that uses threading heavily, I 
think we should have an architecture that allows them to be used. But 
for the core itself and for the main components that are part of the 
system itself we should strive for the best technique indeed.

> -danx0r


> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 3:23 AM, Jeroen van Veen <j.veen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> good news :D
>> 2008/12/17 Ryan McDougall <sempu...@gmail.com>
>>> Excellent, do you have any links?
>>> Cheers,
>>> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Hurliman, John
>>> <john.hurli...@intel.com> wrote:
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: realxtend@googlegroups.com [mailto:realxt...@googlegroups.com]
>>>>> On Behalf Of Ryan McDougall
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:54 AM
>>>>> To: realxtend@googlegroups.com
>>>>> Subject: [REX] Re: new bsd-viewer
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Jeroen van Veen <j.veen...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Could you give some more details about the newly planned viewer?
>>>>>> What i would like to know is:
>>>>>> * Will the new viewer be based on libomv?
>>>>>> if not: are there plans for a c++ libomv port?
>>>>>> if so: then the new viewer will be written in c#?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Jeroen van Veen
>>>>> It is expected that the new viewer will be written in C++ with some
>>>>> python where appropriate. It was decided not to complicate the matter
>>>>> with 3 languages, so no libomv has been decided against.
>>>>> We have two alternatives, an existing library in C called
>>>>> funsl/funomv, and writing our own minimal C++ version.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>> We (libomv) also apparently have a C++ port of libomv that should be
>>>> released "real soon now". I'm not sure how polished it is but it could be a
>>>> starting point.
>>>> John
> >   

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