Toni Alatalo wrote:
> On Feb 20, 2009, at 6:59 PM, Paul Fishwick wrote:
>>   tutorial4.material which contains a reference to InflateVP, which
>> references shader, which moves vertices (simulating 
>> "inflation"):
> that sounds like a 'procedural vertex animation', a 'geometry 
> shader'(?) or something like that (people often talk of shaders when 
> mean just a program running on the gpu) that can inflate any mesh. so a 
> function, piece of code, not animation data.
yeah - i agree that the word "shader", even by itself, is somewhat 
> what i was referring to was pre-made animations, that only work with 
> the specific mesh that they were made for (e.g. a face turning to 
> smile).
ok - I am new to figuring out how this works so we'll play around with 
the concepts...
We'd like to do avatars with facial animation and also vertex animation 
of other, freeform


> ~Toni
>>> vertex animation is probably more similarily to
>>> skeletal. there is the point though that at least the skel morphing 
>>> can
>>> be run on the gpu (and is by default), did you see shader references
>>> related to that?
>>> well i googled now a sec and the manual says:
>>> "Vertex animation is stored inside the .mesh file since it is tightly
>>> linked to the vertex structure of the mesh"
>> I'll check this out
>>>> -p
>>> ~Toni
>>>> Toni Alatalo wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 19, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Paul Fishwick wrote:
>>>>>> I have no access. Blender has an OGRE mesh exporter. However, when
>>>>>> you say ".bvh files are not supported by rex avatar", I interpret
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> to
>>>>> (...)
>>>>>>  2) to create animations, one must use the ".skeleton" Animation 
>>>>>> Pack
>>>>>> .skeleton file contain the keyframes (since .bvh is not used) and 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> the .skeleton file also used
>>>>> yes, .skeleton is the Ogre animation format.
>>>>> the Blender Ogre Meshes and Animation exporter, the normal exporter
>>>>> that you probably are using, exports always a .mesh and .material
>>>>> file,
>>>>> and when the thing you are exporting is an armature (the Blender 
>>>>> name
>>>>> for skeleton) with animations (in Blender: actions), a .skeleton 
>>>>> too,
>>>>> which indeed has the animation data (every frame and not just
>>>>> keyframes
>>>>> IIRC, as Ogre does not support constraints etc. similar to movie
>>>>> animations so the animations are 'baked' upon export)
>>>>> bvh is just another format, at least in principle you can import it 
>>>>> to
>>>>> e.g. Blender to convert to the Ogre format, but you need to have a
>>>>> compatible rig then. IIRC the Blender bvh importer actually creates 
>>>>> a
>>>>> bvh skel for you, but actions are reusable cross rigs so you can use
>>>>> the imported ones with any, as long as you have the bone names
>>>>> according to the bvh convention.
>>>>>> for vertex animation?
>>>>> i don't remember how vertex animation (shape / morph keys) are,
>>>>> perhaps
>>>>> in the same file.
>>>>>> -p
>>>>> ~Toni
>>>> -- 
>>>> Paul Fishwick, PhD
>>>> Professor and Director, Digital Arts and Sciences Programs
>>>> University of Florida
>>>> Computer & Information Science and Eng. Dept.
>>>> Bldg. CSE, Room 301
>>>> P.O. Box 116120
>>>> Gainesville, FL 32611
>>>> Email:
>>>> Phone: (352) 392-1414
>>>> Fax: (352) 392-1220
>>>> Web:
>> -- 
>> Dr. Paul A. Fishwick           E-Mail:
>> Dept. of Computer & Info       Phone & FAX: (352) 392-1414
>>  Science and Engineering       WWW:
>> University of Florida          (PGP Key available at above WWW address)
>> P. O. Box 116120
>> 332 Bldg. CSE, Gainesville, FL 32611-6120
> >

Dr. Paul A. Fishwick           E-Mail:
Dept. of Computer & Info       Phone & FAX: (352) 392-1414
 Science and Engineering       WWW:
University of Florida          (PGP Key available at above WWW address)
P. O. Box 116120
332 Bldg. CSE, Gainesville, FL 32611-6120

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