This is what Mark320 was asking in Italian .

I answer with my original tongue Hello it has all of RealXtend I wonder this
the version rex is updated to
change the avatar in formal procedure RealXtend?  And I wanted it ask
another one what when the new version of
taiga with the new bug will be put resolved

He is asking about the Avatar and how to change the appearance in world .  I
think the user also is wondering if the Old SL style type avatar appearance
controls will appear in world .

2010/2/23 Mark320 Bellic <>

> Rispondo con la mia lingua originale
> Ciao ha tutti di RealXtend vi chiedo questo la versione rex è
> aggiornata per modificare l'avatar in modalità RealXtend? E volevo
> chiedere un'altra cosa  quando sarà messo la nuova versione di Taiga
> con i nuovi bug risolti (Language Italian)
> --


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