I agree with this discussion that trying to support SL viewing should
not be continued. There are many viewers already for
SL and this technology is different then what LL is using. Even though
they may seem similar they are two different
beasts in my opinion.

On Feb 24, 5:05 am, Ryan McDougall <sempu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For those who've missed the IRC discussions:
> Seems LL is clamping down on what viewers will run on their 
> network:http://secondlife.com/corporate/tpv.php
> Naali *could* meet all those requirements in theory -- but I doubt
> we'd be interested in complying with such onerous demands...
> I guess it's fair enough -- it's their network, and they can
> arbitrarily decide whom they allow to connect and who not; however
> it's pretty much destroyed any illusion it's an open network.
> Does this change anything for realXtend stake holders? Is there any
> point in supporting SL features like SL avatars any more?
> Curious what others feel about this.
> Cheers,


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