
2010/2/25 rohit chchada <rchch...@gmail.com>

> hello

i am new to virtual world so i apologize for asking these basic
> questions. let me know if this is not the right forum.
> i notice that i do not need the entire set of buttons for a basic user
> (not admin). e.g. Build, Map 9the entire set at bottom). is there a
> way to hide it by default. do i need to create a seperate exe for
> that? i see that i can do this through viewer by View->Toolbar but can
> this setting be saved. i do it once and after i login again, it comes
> back.

 For this part I  have no idea.

> also trying to add a UI on viewer (more a 2D UI) and did not find any
> documentation on how to do that. i ran through the python scripts at
> server but could only as far as displaying a message at client. i want
> a simple button to always be on top of the viewer (something like the
> FLY button at bottom) but i want to call my own program if you click
> on it. is this possible.

No-one of the current Naali developers can't take a look into the legacy reX
viewer's source code anymore
because of the possible GPL-pollution, so I'm sorry but you're most likely
on your own with this one.

> i found IK movement editor very useful - can this movement be stored
> from viewer and called from server? any reason why this was
> discontinued on Naali? is there an alternate feature replacing this?

There is packet for IK in the reX protocol:
However, I have no idea if this is this still functional. There is sample
python script which you could use to
try it out in
\rexserver\ScriptEngines\PythonScript\Samples\samplevolumetrigger.py (the
HandshakeArea class).

> i am doing all of the above with realxend .5. i have a lot of
> questions but i will stop at this for now. thanks for all your
> responses.
> rohit
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org

Grey skies,


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