
RealXtend is currently undergoing some major changes.  The 0.5 RealXtend
that you're looking at is quite old.  The viewer that you are probably using
(0.42) is quite old, and is no longer supported as well.

The future will be the Naali viewer, but it's in an extremely early
(pre-Alpha) stage, and it will be quite some time before Naali reaches the
same maturity as the previous 0.42 viewer.

No the developers can't go back and look at the previous viewer, and the
reasons for this are the old viewer was GPL based, and the new viewer is a
BSD license based viewer.

This was one of the main reasons why we moved away from the old "LL" based

If you're a developer, you may want to consider helping with Naali
development, and if there are features that you would like to add to Naali
(like the IK movement editor) then feel free to volunteer to help with

Naali is very young, and it needs lots of work.  So please feel free to help
with the project, but keep in mind that the old viewer is dead, and that all
development efforts are going into Naali.  So if there are features (from
the old viewer) that you'd like to see added, it would be best to take the
time and help us add them to Naali.


On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:02 PM, rohit chchada <> wrote:

> hello
> i am new to virtual world so i apologize for asking these basic
> questions. let me know if this is not the right forum.
> i notice that i do not need the entire set of buttons for a basic user
> (not admin). e.g. Build, Map 9the entire set at bottom). is there a
> way to hide it by default. do i need to create a seperate exe for
> that? i see that i can do this through viewer by View->Toolbar but can
> this setting be saved. i do it once and after i login again, it comes
> back.
> also trying to add a UI on viewer (more a 2D UI) and did not find any
> documentation on how to do that. i ran through the python scripts at
> server but could only as far as displaying a message at client. i want
> a simple button to always be on top of the viewer (something like the
> FLY button at bottom) but i want to call my own program if you click
> on it. is this possible.
> i found IK movement editor very useful - can this movement be stored
> from viewer and called from server? any reason why this was
> discontinued on Naali? is there an alternate feature replacing this?
> i am doing all of the above with realxend .5. i have a lot of
> questions but i will stop at this for now. thanks for all your
> responses.
> rohit
> --


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