
On 10/02/11 21:45, MasterJ wrote:
> hehehe :)
> Pablo already answer  like that on his post:
> (copy/paste from original post)
> For next release, I'll be focusing on real time synchronization of
> blender (to both naali and taiga) and realxtend, support for managing
> permissions, and adding support for blender2.5 and the new ogre
> exporter.

Yes, next version will support blender 2.5 (probably development will
switch to 2.5 and keep backwards compatibility with 2.4).

>  here i really need to learn documentation more good i have try and
> sometimes it's give me errors when i just load it .... strange .....
> i have tried on 2 different blender installation on on C: on on
> external hard drive G:
> G:/ work nearly  good C:/ crash when load ....
> blender are 2.49b
> but one use python 2.6.2 one use 2.6.1 ....... i only have 2-6-2
> installed here ..... i remove the others python but something seem to
> still here and it's mess a few.

About any problems regarding running b2rex, you can query me directly,
or just ask on irc (irc.freenode.net #realxtend channel), , in the b2rex
github or webpage. Anyways, note current release requires some changes
to Taiga and some special server configuration (described in the README
document). Good news is 0.8 will also work on an unmodified and blindly
configured taiga server.



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