On 25/03/11 20:32, MasterJ wrote:
> nothing more nothing less the best thing is to buy a new computer
> with 100% linux and  wipeout all microsoft thing then it's work .
> but i think about ..... firewall, router, .... hmmmm
> here for b2rex i configure access with :
> http://(mi ip here):8002
> .... but b2rex use 8002 or not?
> i have tried with : nothing more nothing less
> still not working.

yes, it should respect your port setting.

> i have clicked on  3d view i have added an ogre element (fluid) for
> see if the terrain load.... nada nothing work.

The terrain plane appears after connecting and then should start
downloading height blocks (as in the following video:

I don't understand exactly what you mean about the ogre element, but it
is unrelated to b2rex atm (at least to server connecting).

> possible it's  because b2rex use others ports and we must allow them
> open

yes, actually I forgot about this in my description. Just after clicking
on the RT button, the agent will start up and open a local port so it
can communicate with blender. The port is TCP 11112 and in my windows
vista, I did get a dialog from the firewall warning me about the port
open, I allowed the port and then b2rex could go on connecting.
Depending on your firewall settings, you might not get this kind of
dialog and may need to open manually, otherwise, it may be that the
agent is not starting, in this case something should show up in the
blender windows console output.



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