
On 12/04/11 05:13, yaoyansi wrote:
> Hi all,
> Could b2rex upload a dependence package to github or googlecode?
> I think we could put the pyogp and other dependence libraries into  this 
> dependence package to easy the installation of b2rex for users and testers.
> What you think about this?

At the moment release packages come with all dependencies, that's why
they are a bit bigger.

They could be packaged separately (I will do it for next release - thx
for the idea!) but at the moment you will find them at
scripts/b2rexpkg/libs on the releases.

The only dependencies that don't come at the moment with the release are
python and greenlets because they include os specific binary components,
I will be investigating how to include or replace them, but it's tricky
because both os and architecture (32 or 64 bit) affect the binaries.


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