On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 04:11 +0300, Jonne Nauha wrote:
> The picture tab in the tools has the "open file from hard drive" but
> that button does not work as remote scripts cant have file access or
> file dialogs. We will remove the button to avoid confusion.

We can actually allow it for remote scripts. As in the untrusted context
we have for remotely loaded js now.

Currently it is disabled 'cause we are not sure if QFileDialog is safe
to give raw for scripting -- haven't checked in detail yet. If it's not,
we can add an api func somewhere (even just in the js module) that only
gives the result -- the file that the user selected from the gui dialog.
Not the full widget, if it would also allow e.g. deleting files or read
info from filesystem.

So we can do it in any case, and it's easy. Just a bit of work to make
sure it's secure for the end user.

Whether it's needed in that specific GUI is another question -- quite
often it is good to have both file open / browse buttons & drag&drop
working. Like if you go to any photo sharing web site, they always have
the button too.

> Instead to bring a image from local hard drive, just drag and drop the
> image file to the scene, it will automatically make a picture frame
> and pick it up for carrying. You can also drag and drop power point 

Ah, I didn't even realize that drag&drop is extended there to do the
picture frame + carrying biz -- goodie, gotta test :)

> Jonne Nauha


> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Toni Alatalo <t...@playsign.net>
> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         the public demo server has some new quite nice creation tools,
>         as those who have visited there may have noticed. I made a
>         couple little videos now to intro their use.
>         a) a simple way to add web page views, or e.g. images from the
>         web or from your local drive. with easy means to place them
>         just by carrying them around as if your avatar was holding it
>         in his/her hands. Can pick them up again afterwards for
>         carrying the object somewhere else.
>         This first video shows that authoring, and also the whole
>         process from starting a viewer and logging in etc .. in
>         ~2minutes the whole biz:
>         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXBtn0k1UTA
>         b) Also there is a simple group feature -- anyone can add
>         groups to a world, to which people can then join by clicking
>         the in-world group object. Those groups work as mumble voip
>         channels, visible in the channel list in the voice widget (not
>         shown in this video):
>         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hizwfzbGrR8
>         This is on the server where you get from the login dialog on
>         http://www.realxtend.org/
>         These tools were created last year in the TOY project, the
>         virtual learning env made for the Finnish school of the future
>         project. But are also just simple generic basics meant for any
>         reX use. Not all of TOY is ported to Tundra yet, but more will
>         be there soon (next in turn is the library). Complete info of
>         the whole school project and this env and the tools is in this
>         pdf doc, this is current draft which needs some little fixes
>         still before final:
>         http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3157753/TOY_document_en_v02.pdf . Pasi
>         is presenting that tomorrow at the immersive education summit
>         in Boston. There is also fun feedback from the school kids,
>         how they liked the env :)
>         We'll make some sort of a news announcement / blog post to the
>         new site with this info tomorrow, but here as first info --
>         any feedback and questions are welcome.
>         ~Toni
>         --
>         http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
>         http://www.realxtend.org
> -- 
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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