
Sorry to revisit an old issue, but I've got this really odd one.
I've got a script that uploads logfiles from a game server and it
generally works pretty good for about a day. Then it blows out.

Here's the bit of concern;

print ["+ Uploading local file" filen "as" ftpfilename]
if error? set/any 'bleet try [ write ftp-to/:ftpfilename filebuff ] [
   print [ "* Error uploading file, restoring original!" ]
   write fullfilez filebuff
   probe disarm bleet
   return false

But my output in the log is;

+ Uploading local file L1120002.log as L1121003.log
* Error uploading file, restoring original!

make object! [
    code: 303
    type: 'script
    id: 'expect-arg
    arg1: 'find
    arg2: 'series
    arg3: [series! port! bitset!]
    near: [if not find/match/any server-said respons
    where: none

This means some sort of script error but the probed error just doesn't
seem to make any sense to me. And the fact it doesn't say where?
There's no script of mine that matches the stuff in that near:
statement there - so I assume that's some internal stuff.

I sort of thought the only place I could GET an error is in the try
statement or the script would bomb out. Furthermore, the copy to the
FTP URL is working fine, absolutely no errors with that.

Is there a better way of tracking this error?

Mat Bettinson - EuroGamer's Gaming Evangelist with a Goatee |

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