
Rebol/Command drives me Crazy!.
The next code doesn't run (OK)

- - - Begin Code - - -
MySQL-Conn: open odbc://Radius
MySQL-Port: first MySQL-Conn
MySQL-CadenaSQL: "select * from limpia20010131"
insert MySQL-Port [MySQL-CadenaSQL]

while [Registro-LOG: pick MySQL-Puerto 1]
         log-cadena: to-String Rejoin [
                                 registro-log/1 "^(tab)"
                                 registro-log/2  "^(tab)"
                                 registro-log/3  "^(tab)"
                                 registro-log/4  "^(tab)"
                                 registro-log/5 "^(tab)"
                                 registro-log/6  "^(line)" ]
         write/append %salida_comprobacion.txt log-cadena
         close MySQL-Conexion
- - - End Code - - -

Radius is the name of the System DSN to a MySQL (Under Linux)

I Don't obtain all the records of the table Limpia20010131, and I can't 
find the cause, I found this problem so later ... I Lost a lot of info (and 
Work) ... :'-(

Note: I use Recycle Command because (if i don't use it) rebol crashes with 
an "Invalid Data Type During Recycle ...*** Press Enter to Quit." Message.

I Use Rebol/command

Any ideas . . .

Un Saludo,
     Antonio Cortés <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"El ordenador es la evolución lógica del hombre: Inteligencia sin moral": 
John Osborne.
"A nullo videbatur, ipse autem omnia videbat"
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