Am Sam, 05 Mai 2001 schrieb Rishi Oswal:

Hallo Rishi,

> Hi. I was wondering if there is a way to create a
> pop-up window in rebol/view. I wanted to create a

In the script.library is this dialog.r example

-------- schnipp --------
dialog: layout [
        backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 0.0.0 0.0.180]
        subtitle "Important Notice:" red
        text yellow 200x100 {
                REBOL/View is not a toy. Use only under the supervision
                of a highly trained evangelist.
        button "I Promise" [hide-popup]

view layout [
        backdrop effect [gradient 0.100.0 0.0.0]
        title "Example"
        button "Click for Dialog" [inform dialog]
        button "Quit" [quit]
--- schnipp ---

> needs... is there anything else? If not, why is it
> that you can't do multiple windows in rebol anyway?

Another way is (I hope this is correct)

 face: layout[]
 view/new face

to open a window and

 unview/only face

to close a window.

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